InternetForms® Version of the Public Financial Disclosure Report (SF 278)

Please print these instructions and read completely before proceeding.

InternetForms® Viewer is a commercial software program by PureEdge Solutions, Inc. that allows the user to fill in a form template electronically. The viewer also allows the form template and your data to be saved together as a single file which can be later updated or exchanged with others.

System Requirements

Installation of the Viewer and the SF 278 Template

In order to use this version of the SF 278, you must first download two files: a copy of InternetForms® Viewer and the SF 278 template. Installation of the viewer is a one-time operation . The viewer is 3.4mb. Download time will vary depending on the speed of your connection and Internet traffic. It can take up to 15 minutes to download the viewer using a standard 56K modem. The SF 278 template is 228kb and will download in about one minute on any connection. Please follow the following installation steps:

  1. Using Windows Explorer, create a folder (directory) called SF278. Return to this instruction page.

  2. Download the files listed below by right-clicking on the links provided and selecting either Save Link As... (Netscape) or Save Target As... (Internet Explorer) from the popup menu. Save both files to the SF278 folder (directory) you previously created.

    icsv510kgndss.exe is the installer for the Viewer program (3.4 MB) - Version 5.1.

    temp278.exe the form template (228 KB) - Revised May 21, 2001.

  3. Close your browser and, using Windows Explorer, go to the SF278 folder (directory). Run the installer by double-clicking on ifv441g.exe. Alternatively, you may select Run from the Windows Start menu, browse to .../SF278/ifv441g.exe, and click on OK. In both instances, a standard Windows installation will begin. Follow the on-screen prompts. At the end of the installation you must restart your computer to complete the installation.

    PLEASE NOTE: OGE has already paid the software licensing fee that allows us to provide this viewer and form at no cost to the user.

  4. After restarting your computer, open the SF278 folder (directory) and double click on the temp278.exe file. An self-executing program will automatically start up, extracting and saving the SF278.xfd form template into that folder (directory.) Click on the close (X) button of the extraction program. Note: You can delete the temp278.exe file from this folder (directory) at this point if you desire, since it is no longer needed.

Using the Viewer and Template

After installation, you may access the form template by simply returning to the SF278 folder (directory) and double-clicking on the SF278.xfd file. The viewer opens automatically.

The first 11 pages of the form template consist of instruction pages with information on how to complete the form. The fillable portion of the SF 278 follows the instructions pages. To begin filling out a particular field, place the cursor in your field of choice and click. To move forward to the next field, use the Tab key. Use the Shift and Tab keys together to move backward.

Please note that this template contains many fillable boxes. As you tab through the template, you will notice only a subtle indication that you have reached a fillable box (i.e., a darkening of the box border). To put a mark in a check box, hit the Space Bar. Alternatively you may forgo tabbing through the many boxes provided in Schedules A and B by first using your mouse to place the cursor on your box of choice and then clicking.

The viewer also has a number of "Menu" buttons described below:

Open Open a form template.
Close Close the current form.
Save Save the current form.

Both Close and Save prompt you to save changes and allow you to rename a file. Users should avoid overwriting their original blank SF 278 template by renaming each new version of the form they create. The file name should not exceed eight characters. A good example of a title is 278FY99.

Due to the nature of the information provided on the SF 278, those completing the form on a government computer may wish to save the information on a floppy disk instead of a network drive or a hard drive.

Print Print the current form.
Mail Currently disabled in the SF 278 template.
Preferences Currently disabled in the SF 278 template.
Check Spelling Check the spelling of the current item; disabled if the page has no fillable items.
Check All Spelling Checks the spelling of the entire form.
Help Currently disabled in the SF 278 template.
About Information about PureEdge/InternetForms®.
Back, Forward Multiple forms may be opened; these buttons allow for movement between forms.

The complete InternetForms® Software User's Manual is available in Adobe Acrobat® format. Please note that certain functionalities described in the Users Manual have been intentionally disabled within the SF 278 template.

In addition to the "Menu" buttons described above, a number of "Tool Bar" buttons have been added to the template. Some of these buttons appear on every page of the template. Others appear only on certain pages. When the cursor is placed over a "Tool Bar" button, a message explaining its function is prominently displayed in the top portion of the screen.

Things You Should Know

User Information

Any problems with this program should be reported to OGE via E-Mail at

IMPORTANT: Once completed, filers should print out their form and carefully review it before signing.