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Textiles Safety and Health Topics:

Textile industries are diverse operations including fiber synthesis, weaving, manufacturing, dyeing and finishing. One of the oldest industries, textile operations have been studied extensively and many workplace standards exist.

There are numerous health and safety issues associated with the textile industry. They include: chemical exposure from the processing and dyeing of materials, exposure to cotton and other organic dusts, musculoskeletal stresses, and noise exposure.

Related Safety and Health Topics Recognition Compliance
  • OSHA Standards
    Textiles Cotton Dust
    • 1910.1000 TABLE Z-1, Limits for Air Contaminants. Includes PEL for cotton dust.
    • 1910.1043, Cotton dust.
      • App A, Air sampling and analytical procedures for determining concentrations of cotton dust.
      • App B-I, Respiratory questionnaire.
      • App B-III, Abbreviated respiratory questionnaire.
      • App C, Spirometry prediction tables for normal males and females.
      • App D, Pulmonary function standards for cotton dust standard.
      • App E, Vertical elutriator equivalency protocol.
    • 1910.1045, Acrylonitrile.
      • App B, Substance technical guidelines for acrylonitrile.
    Formaldehyde Methylene Chloride
  • OSHA Federal Register
    • Occupational Exposure to Cotton Dust. OSHA Federal Register (2000, December 7). OSHA is issuing a direct final rule amending its occupational health standard for Cotton Dust, which was issued in 1978 and amended in 1985, to add cotton washed in a batch kier system to the types of washed cotton partially exempt from the cotton dust standard.
  • Review Commission and Administrative Law Judge Decisions
    The Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC) is an independent Federal agency created to decide contests of citations or penalties resulting from OSHA inspections of American work places. To locate decisions related to this topic, search for keywords at the OSHRC site.
  • Preambles to OSHA Standards
  • Want to know what the most common citations issued by OSHA compliance officers are for this industry?
    Search for the most frequently cited Federal and State OSHA standards for this industry by SIC code and jurisdiction (Federal or by individual States). Enter your own SIC code, find a SIC code of interest by accessing the online SIC Manual, or use the following preselected SIC code (returns only citations issued by Federal OSHA):
    • 22 - Textile Mill Products
  • The Way to Safety and Health for Textile Finishing Workers, 77-208, Publication No. 274-755. A hard copy is available through NIOSH.
  • Profile of the Textiles Industry. EPA Sector Notebooks, Environmental Protection Agency (1997, November). Developed by EPA's Office of Compliance, this industry notebook contains detailed information on various topics that might be of interest to safety and health professionals. The notebook has been reviewed by experts from both inside and outside the EPA. Information covered includes: an industrial process description, a comprehensive environmental profile, innovative control programs, contacts, and a list of bibliographic references. This page offers several downloadable versions of this file.
Revised: 06 January 2003
 Safety and Health

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