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Website:   Date: 10/14/2004   Time:  8:47:07 PM




NOTE TO PREPARER OF CORRESPONDENCE: There are instances where a requester may seek a total waiver of fees and while you do not agree that a total waiver is appropriate, you may decide that a reduction of fees is appropriate.  Here is sample letter that you can customize to respond to such a request.


Keep in mind that this letter requires the signature of your Initial Denial Authority (IDA).


Dear [MR/MS/MRS_______]:

This responds to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request of [DATE OF REQUEST LETTER] in which you seek [RESTATEMENT OF WHAT REQUESTER IS SEEKING].  Your request was received by this office on [DATE REQUEST RECEIVED] and assigned file number [FILE NUMBER]. 


NOTE:  IF REQUEST DOES NOT DELINEATE DATE/TIME FRAME OF DOCUMENTS OR SEARCH TO BE UNDERTAKEN, THEN ADD THIS PARAGRAPH:  Pursuant to procedures established in Secretary of the Navy Instruction (SECNAVINST) 5720.42F, our search for responsive records will encompass only those records in existence as of [DATE REQUEST RECEIVED OR DATE REQUEST PROCESSING COMPLETED].


IF DOCUMENTS ARE NOT CENTRALLY LOCATED, YOU MAY WISH TO DEFINE THE AREA OF SEARCH: During our search, we examined the files maintained by [IDENTITY OF SEARCH LOCATION(S)] and identified [DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSIVE DOCUMENT(S)] as being responsive to your request.


In your letter, you requested a waiver of fees.  We have taken into consideration your justification regarding waiver of fees, your ability to disseminate the information, and have considered the informative value and newsworthiness of the information being requested. 


As a [STATE CATEGORY OF REQUESTER, I.E., COMMERCIAL, EDUCATIONAL/SCIENTIFIC, ALL OTHER, NEWS MEDIA] requester, you are only entitled to [IDENTIFY THE KIND OF FEES, I.E., SEARCH, REPRODUCTION, REVIEW].  We estimate that the costs involved in processing your request will total [$____ BREAKOUT THE SPECIFIC COSTS].  We have determined that we can only waive [____] percentage of the fees because [INSERT BASIS FOR NOT GRANTING FULL WAIVER, FOR EXAMPLE: some of the documents you seek already exist in the public domain; some of the documents you seek would not shed light on the activities of the Navy; etc].


Accordingly, we are requesting that you agree to pay [$  ] in reproduction costs.  You can notify us by mail or by fax at [TELEPHONE NUMBER].  You will not be billed until after we have processed your request.


If you agree and confirm your willingness to pay fees, we will begin to immediately process the responsive documents for a release determination under the FOIA and will provide you copies of all releasable materials. 


Should you wish to appeal my refusal to waive fees in their entirety, you must send your appeal, in writing, to the [SELECT THE APPROPRIATE APPELLATE AUTHORITY]. 


          FOR BUSINESS/COMMERCIAL LAW AND CIVILIAN PERSONNEL LAW ISSUES:  General Counsel of the Navy, 720 Kennon Street SE, Room 214, Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5012; or


         FOR MILITARY LAW AND ALL MATTERS OTHER THAN THOSE FALLING UNDER THE COGNIZANCE OF GENERAL COUNSEL:  Judge Advocate General of the Navy (Code 14), 1322 Patterson Avenue SE, Suite 3000, Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5066.


Your appeal must be postmarked within 60 calendar days from the date of this letter to be considered.  Any supporting rationale to substantiate your request for a full waiver of fees should

be included and the enclosed copy of this letter should be attached.  Both the appeal letter and the envelope should bear the notation, "Freedom of Information Act Appeal." 


Any questions concerning this matter should be directed to



I am the official responsible for the refusal to grant you a full waiver of fees. 







                                (Must be signed by an IDA)

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About this Site: This is an official Department of the Navy website provided as a public service of the Office of the General Counsel in cooperation with the SECNAV/CNO Freedom of Information Act Office (FOIA). The FOIA Office reports to the Director of Navy Staff. Registered with GILS as: Department of the Navy Freedom of Information Act Web Site. Before contacting us read our Privacy Policy.

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