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2004 Retroactive Pay Adjustment Banner
The 2004 retroactive pay adjustment for DLA General Schedule (GS) employees is scheduled for processing the pay period ending 20 March 2004. Similar to last year’s retroactive adjustment, payroll will be processing the retroactive pay in shifts over two pay periods. Employees may receive all or a part of their retroactive money on 26 Mar 2004 or 9 Apr 2004. At this time DFAS has not identified which employee groupings will be processed during which pay period. 
Employees who have had additional personnel transactions processed since 11 Jan 2004 (promotions, realignments, within grade increases, etc…), will require additional manual corrections to each action by the DLA Customer Service Offices (CSO) and this process could take several pay periods to complete. There are currently 5,000 DLA employees whose records will require additional manual correction.
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