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The U.S. Army Military District of Washington Guardian of the Nation's Capital banner

The U.S. Army Military District of Washington Mission

The U.S. Army Military District of Washington is a unique Army command which has an important three-fold mission:

  1. Respond to crisis, disaster or security requirements in the National Capital Region through implementation of various contingency plans.
  2. Provide base operations support through our installations for Army and Department of Defense organizations throughout the National Capital Region. Additionally, a variety of specialized support is provided including personal-property shipping for the region, CONUS-wide rotary-wing airlift and operation of the Arlington National Cemetery.
  3. Conduct official ceremonies, locally and worldwide, in behalf on the nation's civilian and military leaders.

Helicopters from MDW's 12th Aviation Battalion at Davison Army Airfield

Helicopters from Military District of Washington's 12th Aviation Battalion at Davison Army Airfield airlift elements of the 3rd U.S. Infantry (The Old Guard) from Virginia to Fort McNair, in Washington, D.C., during a contingency training exercise.

The MDW commander has jurisdiction over forts McNair, Belvoir (which includes Fort A.P. Hill), Myer, Meade (which includes Fort Holabird), Ritchie and Hamilton. Authority is also exercised over the 12th Aviation Battalion (formerly known as Operational Support Airlift Command) at Davison Army Airfield and Arlington National Cemetery. Cameron Station, which closed in October 1995 as a result of the Base Realignment and Closure Act of 1988, used to be a part of MDW as well.

MDW is the home of the Army's official ceremonial unit, the 3rd U.S. Infantry (The Old Guard) and the U.S. Army Band, "Pershing's Own," two units that represent the Army and the nation thousands of times each year. Both of these units are familiar sights in the nation's capital. They participate in ceremonies, including simple wreath ceremonies at the Tomb of the Unknowns, state funerals and official arrival ceremonies for visiting chiefs of state and other dignitaries.

The Army Band and The Old Guard produce two shows each year; "America's Army in Review" on the Washington Monument Grounds in the spring and the "Twilight Tattoo" at the Ellipse during the summer. The Army Band also performs concerts at the U.S. Capitol and the Washington Monument during the summer as well as dozens of other special concerts throughout the year.  

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