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NGS Manual  "Runway End, Stopway End, and Displaced Threshold Identification for Surveyors"

This document provides guidelines for accomplishing runway/stopway surveys for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).  Accurate runway/stopway surveys are critical to aircraft and airport operations.  Fundamental to a good survey is the correct identification of runway ends, stopway ends, and displaced thresholds.  In many cases, the location of these points is not intuitively obvious and the precise survey point selection may not be consistent among surveyors.  This document provides guidance for properly locating these critical survey points.

This manual has been divided into two files for ease of downloading.  Part One contains the text portion of the manual, and Part Two contains eight color diagrams.  The diagrams should be viewed at a high zoom level, and/or printed on a high quality color printer to see the fine detail.

Get Runway End ID Manual  Part 1pdficon1.gif (153 bytes) (203 kb)

Get Runway End ID Manual  Part 2pdficon1.gif (153 bytes) (1,544 kb)

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     NGS Runway Survey Point ID manual