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"Destroyermen have always been proud people. They have been the elite. They have to be proud people and they have to be specially selected, for destroyer life is a rugged one. It takes stamina to stand up to the rigors of a tossing destroyer. It takes even more spiritual stamina to keep going with enthusiasm when you are tired, and you feel that you and your ship are being used as a workhorse. It is true that many people take destroyers for granted and that is all the more reason why the destroyer Captains can be proud of their accomplishment." 
- Admiral Arleigh Burke

Welcome to the USS Mahan web page. The official destroyer of the new millennium.  This page is dedicated to the family and crew members of the USS Mahan, both past and present.  We onboard Mahan hope you find this page enjoyable and informative.  So from the Commanding Officer and crew of the USS Mahan welcome aboard and enjoy your stay...