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Officer Vulnerable Mover List (VML)


The web-based VML provides a user-friendly interface for the MAJCOMs and commanders in the field.  It allows the MAJCOMs and commanders to easily review their listing of vulnerable-to-move officers, submit reclamas if necessary, and most importantly, submit requisitions to backfill vulnerable officers, all with one, web-based tool.

NOTE: Bold indicates the actual button to select.

How to Access Your VML:

To access your unit’s VML, log onto the Assignment Management System (AMS) web.  Under the “Main Menu,” select “Pending Assignments (VML),” and under the next screen, select “Vulnerable Mover List”.  

Next, you’ll see a “VML Search Criteria” screen, because the new web-based VML allows you to sort your VML by PAS code, location, reclama status, rank, duty or core AFSC, RDTM (rated officers); and competitive category or COMPCAT (medical/chaplain officers).  

It’s important to note that your VML is tailored to include only your officers.  This is determined by PAS code(s) attached to your AMS profile(s).  To view all officers on your unit’s VML, simply select “Show All” and “All Ranks.” 

Note:  If you require access to more PAS Codes, i.e., a group commander wanting access to all squadrons assigned to his/her group, request additional access through AMS as follows:

From the AMS Main Menu

1)  Click the Account Info/Request Higher Access button (your account should come up)

2)  Click on Query User

3)  Click the Request Higher Access or Extension button (this is the same procedure for extending profiles that are about to expire)

4)  Select the appropriate access level in the Select Access Level dropdown box (usually “Commander”)

5)  Enter the PAS Code in the Enter PAS Code field.  It will default to your current PAS Code, but it can be changed to any applicable PAS Code (such as subordinate squadrons in the group)

6)  Click the Submit Request button.

This will update your AMS profiles and allow subsequent review of all vulnerable officers within those PAS codes. 

The next step is to review the VML.  By clicking on “SSAN”, you can review the vulnerable officer’s one-page SURF.  By clicking on “View T-ODP”, you can view the current Transitional Officer Development Plan (T-ODT) on file.  Note, the date of the T-ODP is superimposed on the pop-up button.

Note:  Not having a T-ODP on file will not prevent reassignment.  If there is not a current T-ODP on file at AFPC, commanders should counsel their officer to complete it as soon as possible, but NLT the last day of the Personnel Requirements Display visibility window for their cycle.  This is to ensure the Officer Assignment Teams have a current T-ODP at the beginning of the Assignment Match (dates are tentative):

Spring:  NLT 1 Sep

Summer: NLT 1 Jan

Fall:  NLT 1 May

NEW!!!  How to Print/Download Your VML:

If you'd like to copy your unit's VML into Excel or some other program, or would like to simply have a hard copy of the VML in a "printer-friendly" format, click on the Printable Version button.  (This button will appear above your unit's VML once you've defined your criteria and actually executed the search for your VML.)

The resulting screen will allow you to print by selecting the "File, Print" option or the Printer icon in your internet browser.  If you'd like to copy the data into another program--Excel, for example--highlight the data you'd like copied, then use "Ctrl C" to copy the text. 

The next step is open a new document in Excel (or other program), and use "Ctrl V" to paste the data you copied from the Printable Version of the VML into the new program.  You can then sort or manipulate this data as required.  (For screen shots on this new feature, see VML Home Page for  updated "Web VML Demo" presentation)

Creating Requisitions:

If there are no issues surrounding the officer’s upcoming move, you should be ready to request a backfill for that officer.  This is easier than ever with the web-based VML. 

From the VML screen (following your search) select “Create Requisition” for the officer you wish to backfill.  The next screen is the “AMS Requisition Management” screen, which unit Requisition Manager should be familiar with.  AMS will automatically populate those fields associated with that officer’s current position number, such as AFSC, Rank, Unit, Location, PAS Code, etc.  Fill in all required fields, particularly the RNLTD and mandatory qualifications.  When all fields are completed, click on “Save Changes.”

Note:  If any of the required fields in the requisition are not completed, an error message will result.  Requisitions must be complete before the system will allow the requisition to be forwarded.  Requisitions will be coordinated as normal (i.e., through MAJCOM for validation).  


If there are issues surrounding an officer’s projected move (i.e., timing, internal moves, continuity, conflicts with AEF cycle), and the commander feels that the officer’s departure should be delayed to accommodate those issues, the commander should submit a reclama.  This is easily done with the web-based VML:

1)  Under “Reclama” column, select “Yes” for the officer you want to reclama. A pop up box will appear. 

2) Select "AEF" "yes" or "no" and then select AEF cycle/bucket.  It is important to select "yes" here only if the officer's actual deployment will conflict with the reporting or training requirements of the assignment cycle.  Do not select "yes" if the officer is currently deployed and will back before the reporting months of the cycle.  Assignment Officers are very supportive of deployment/assignment conflicts and will work with commanders as much as possible.

2)  Complete the “Comments Field” screen.  Comments should justify and explain the reclama completely.  Click on “OK” when complete.

3)  When returning to the VML, select “Create Requisition.”  Requisitions can always be cancelled, but not easily created after the fact.  If the reclama is disapproved, the unit may still need a backfill.

MAJCOM Review of Reclamas:

MAJCOMs will review the justification submitted by the unit.  MAJCOMs may view the unit’s reclama justification by selecting “View Comments” on the VML.  MAJCOMs have the option to either disapprove the reclama at their level, or forward to AFPC for final approval/disapproval.  

1)  If a MAJCOM concurs with the reclama, simply select “MAJCOM Reviewed” and AFPC will make the final decision.

2)  If a MAJCOM disapproves the reclama:

a)  Complete the “Comments Field” and provide rationale for disapproval.

b)  Select the “MAJCOM Disapproved” button. 

If experiencing technical problems using this application, please send an email to the Personnel Systems Operations Control Center at amshelp@randolph.af.mil.

Assignment related questions should be directed to the appropriate Officer Assignment Team.

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