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Oct. 1, 2004
Release No. 106

Flying training selection board date set

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- The next undergraduate flying training board will be held at the Air Force Personnel Center here Feb. 8. Applications must be postmarked by Dec. 29.

Eligible officers are those with a date of birth after May 1, 1975 and a total active federal commissioned service date after May 1, 2000. Hopefuls must send their completed application package, to HQ AFPC/DPAOT3, 550 C Street West Suite 31, Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4733.

The application -- Air Force IMT Form 215, Aircrew Training Candidate Data Summary -- allows for recommendations from both the applicant’s commander and another person. Each applicant may submit separate letters of endorsement from his or her chain of command, said Mr. Howard Peterson assistant to the special flying programs office.   

“We recommend that only letters from people ranked above those listed on the 215 be submitted,” said Mr. Peterson. “The goal is to make the package as strong as possible.”

All prospective flyers should check to see if they need a physical exam and schedule one if necessary. Those trying for pilot training also need to complete the basic attributes test that measures coordination and cognitive abilities.

More information is available at military personnel flights.    


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