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Oil Well Fire Individual Risk Analysis

After the 1991 conflict in the Gulf, many Gulf War veterans experienced health problems unexplained by current medical knowledge. To determine possible health effects from exposure to the Iraqi lit oil well fires, USACHPPM gathered air and soil samples in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia from May 1991 until November 1991. Combining sample data with troop location data, the personnel registry, satellite images, and meteorological models, USACHPPM calculates your exposure and health risk to oil well fires.
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The following pages offer these options:

charcoal bullet   A map of known locations of your unit, while you were in theater.
charcoal bullet   Your oil well fire exposure report.
charcoal bullet   USACHPPM's method of calculating the exposure report.
charcoal bullet   A page to request signed copy of your exposure report.
charcoal bullet   Instructions on submitting changes to your data.