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Middle East North Africa
Updated: 24 Sep 2004   

Iraq: Governance
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Iraqi, Afghan Elections Will Proceed, Powell Says
United States will work with Syria on Iraq, secretary adds

By Judy Aita
Washington File United Nations Correspondent

United Nations -- Holding Iraqi elections by the end of January 2005 "is reasonable, it is feasible, and that is the goal," the U.S. secretary of state says. Colin Powell, who has been meeting with world leaders attending the opening of the 59th U.N. General Assembly, addresses how the international community can help in Iraq, from joining the coalition forces helping to secure the country to providing personnel and funds for a battalion to protect U.N. staff members who are helping with elections and rebuilding the country. 
(complete text)

State's Armitage Says Iraqi Judges Vital to Iraq's Democracy
Remarks to legal conference in Prague September 15

Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage says that the United States, Britain and the Czech Republic will not rest until Iraq's judges "are seated on the bench, making just and wise decisions for the Iraqi people." Armitage spoke to a gathering of Iraqi judges at a conference organized by the Central Europe and Eurasian Law Initiative Institute. (complete text)

U.S. Increases Spending in Iraq for Security, Election Preparations
Decreases spending for water, sewerage, and electricity within $18 billion budget

The United States is adjusting its financial assistance to Iraq to allocate greater funds to training Iraqi security forces, preparing for the elections in January and stimulating economic growth and job creation, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Marc Grossman said in Washington September 14. (complete text)

U.S. Urges World to Provide Security for Iraq's Elections
Says U.N. effort to organize elections requires security support

The security situation in Iraq remains fragile, attacks are persistent, and lives continue to be lost, but the setbacks "only strengthen our resolve," says U.S. Ambassador John Danforth, who urges nations to contribute troops and money to provide security so the United Nations can return to Iraq, especially to help with upcoming elections, which he says "should be held on schedule." (complete text)


Gallery: The New Iraq
A collection of images of the progress in governance, essential services, the economy, and security that the Iraqi people and the coalition partners have been able to achieve.
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