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Middle East North Africa
Updated: 24 Sep 2004   

Iraq: Security

Powell Says Insurgency in Iraq Must Be Defeated
Secretary of state reaffirms commitment to a democratic Iraq

Secretary of State Colin Powell reaffirms the U.S. commitment to confronting the insurgency in Iraq and supporting the Iraqi interim government's efforts to hold elections by January 2005. "I personally believe that we will win this war in Iraq. We are facing a difficult insurgency right now and the insurgency has to be defeated. There's no question about it," the secretary tells ABC News. (complete text)

Iraq War Based on International Law, Powell Says
Cites dangers posed by Saddam Hussein's regime

Coalition action against the government of Saddam Hussein in Iraq was both necessary and consistent with international law, Secretary of State Colin Powell says. The Iraqi government had the clear intention of producing weapons of mass destruction, and would have done so if it had ever broken free of international oversight, asserts Powell. (complete text)

U.S. Increases Spending in Iraq for Security, Election Preparations
Decreases spending for water, sewerage, and electricity within $18 billion budget

The United States is adjusting its financial assistance to Iraq to allocate greater funds to training Iraqi security forces, preparing for the elections in January and stimulating economic growth and job creation, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Marc Grossman said in Washington September 14. (complete text)

U.S. Urges World to Provide Security for Iraq's Elections
Says U.N. effort to organize elections requires security support

The security situation in Iraq remains fragile, attacks are persistent, and lives continue to be lost, but the setbacks "only strengthen our resolve," says U.S. Ambassador John Danforth, who urges nations to contribute troops and money to provide security so the United Nations can return to Iraq, especially to help with upcoming elections, which he says "should be held on schedule." (complete text)

Iraqi River Patrol Service

Members of the Iraqi River Patrol Service (IRPS) prepare to search a vessel for illegal items, May 9, 2004. (DoD Photo) (photo gallery)
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