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Comments on Proposed Rule:
Certain Research and Development Companies

Release No. 34-46920; File No. S7-47-02]

  • Memorandum from Karen Goldstein regarding March 10, 2003 conversation with Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, counsel to the Biotechnology Industry Organization dated May 9, 2003 (File name: wilmer031003.htm)
  • Comments of Matthew A. Chambers, John C. Nagel, Biotechnology Industry Organization, January 30, 2003 (File name: machambers2.htm)
  • Comments of Stanley Keller, Chair, Committee on Federal Regulation of Securities, Business Law Section, American Bar Association, January 29, 2003 (File name: skeller1.htm)
  • Comments of Mark G. Heesen, President, National Venture Capital Association, January 15, 2003 (File name: mgheesen1.htm)
  • Comments of Amy B.R. Lancellotta, Senior Counsel, Investment Company Institute, January 15, 2003 (File name: abrlancellotta1.htm)
  • Comments of Matthew A. Chambers and John C. Nagel, Biotechnology Industry Organization, January 9, 2003 (File name: machambers1.htm)

Modified: 07/07/2003