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Volpe Web Site Accessibility

Our Commitment

The Volpe Center is committed to making its web sites accessible to all customers. We are currently reviewing all web site pages to ensure that they meet or exceed the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. We appreciate your patience as we make our way through this process.

For more information on the Department of Transportation's Section 508 Policy Statement, please visit the DOT Access page under General Information.

If You Are Experiencing Difficulties

If you are having difficulty accessing any of the pages or documents on our site, please contact Sarah May at may@volpe.dot.gov. Be sure to include the name of the document and location on the web site; and whether you are using any special settings or software.

Plug-Ins/Free Downloads

Some file types, such as Adobe pdf, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or Excel, etc., may require plug-ins. If you have not purchased the software, free viewers are available. Below are the links to download those products.

Note: If you have trouble with these links, try going to the main page for the product.

Options for Converting PDF Files

Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) files on the internet may not be accessible to those customers using screen reading devices. To assist users, Adobe Systems, Inc., provides a free translation service through their Access Adobe web pages (http://access.adobe.com) which will translate PDF files into html code. There are two ways to accomplish this:

  1. Web-based forms submission tool (http://access.adobe.com/simple_form.html)

    Type the URL into an electronic form and select the "Get This PDF Document as HTML" button. The document will be converted on the fly to HTML and will be returned immediately to the Web browser.

  2. E-mail submission tool (http://access.adobe.com/access_email.html)

    Submit the URL of a PDF file via e-mail to convert it to HTML or ASCII text. PDF files that are on a local hard disk, local CD-ROM, or local area network, can also be converted by attaching the PDF file to an e-mail message. The converted results are returned in the body of a new mail message in a matter of minutes.

Contact Information

If you are having difficulty accessing any of the pages or documents on our site, or have any questions or comments related to accessibility please contact Sarah May at may@volpe.dot.gov.

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 US DOT triscallion U.S. Department of Transportation

Research and Special Programs Administration