Industrial and Corporate Programs (36)

Licensing Navy Patents

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Patent License Agreements (PLAs) license commercial companies to commercially exploit patented government-developed technology. The government retains the rights to use the technology for government purposes. Royalty rights, legal rights, and other terms and conditions on the use of the technology are negotiated by the company and the government laboratory. Any royalties paid to the government are retained by the laboratory and, except for a small percentage that goes to the inventor(s), are used for activities that will generate more technology transfer opportunities. The licensee gains the technical knowledge and financial benefits of the government intellectual property. Licensees must provide an Application for License to Practice Invention. The application will require a plan for commercializing the technology that includes technical goals for developing the product, an investment plan, and a time frame for bringing the product to the marketplace. PLAs can be exclusive, partially exclusive or nonexclusive. The partially exclusive license agreement serves as the basis for the exclusive license agreement. Licensees may work with employees of Navy laboratories to further develop or test the technology through a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA).

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Point of Contact:

Assoc Counsel, Code 01CC
Phone: 703-696-4004


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