Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa
Commander's Phone Message

July 18, 2004

Good morning and greetings from Camp Lemonier - Djibouti! I hope this message finds everyone in good health. We are busier that ever and accomplishing the mission. Luckily, we have had a bit of a reprieve from the severe Djiboutian summer heat, as it has only been around 105 degrees for the last several days. We are bracing for the upcoming high-temperature month of August, where the heat index typically peaks for the year. With the more tolerable heat we have received an additional “gift” in the form of sandstorms, but that’s life in Djibouti.

As this week comes to a close we sadly bid farewell to the soldiers of the “Old Guard” of the 3d U.S. Infantry. For the last several months these soldiers have performed magnificently, conducting a variety of missions and taking advantage of the numerous training opportunities in east Africa. Their contribution to our mission accomplishment has been enormous. They will be sorely missed. With that said, I am honored to welcome the soldiers of Company A, 1st Bn, 294th U.S. Infantry from Guam. These soldiers will take over for the Old Guard and I already know they will perform to the high standards set by their predecessors. Welcome aboard!

As many of you know, tomorrow, along with the Old Guard, additional members of the Command will leave their beloved Camp Lemonier for home. As we say in the Navy and Marine Corps, “we bid them fair winds and following seas.” I thank them for their support and dedication and hope to see them again soon. As always, thanks again for your support on the home front. You are what keeps us going out here. God Bless!

The Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa Commander's message and information line is available toll free at 1-866-360-3775 or Camp Lejeune area 1-910-451-2222.