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Emile S. Gardiner
Emile S. Gardiner 

Employee Information

Name: Emile S. Gardiner 
Title: Research Forester
Unit: Center for Bottomland Hardwoods Research (4155)
Phone: 662-686-3184
Fax: 662-686-3195 - Location Fax
E-Mail: egardiner@fs.fed.us


Location Information

USDA-Forest Service
Southern Hardwoods Laboratory

P.O. Box 227

Stoneville, MS 38776-0227
432 Stoneville Rd.
Stoneville MS 38776


Research Information

B.S., Louisiana State University, Forestry, 1986; M.S., Louisiana State University, Wildlife Management, 1988; Ph.D. Mississippi State University, Forestry (Ecophysiology emphasis), 1994
Current Research:
I conduct research on the ecophysiology and silviculture of bottomland hardwood regeneration.Ecophysiology research currently focuses on how environmental factors such as root hypoxia and light influence species establishment, growth and distribution in floodplain forests.Silviculture research involves developing practices which facilitate natural and artificial regeneration of bottomland hardwood species.Current studies involve partial cutting and underplanting to establish advance oak regeneration in natural stands, and development of nurse crop systems for afforestation of former agricultural land.
Collaborative Research:
Future research will continue to focus on techniques for maintaining or increasing the component of oak species in bottomland hardwood forests.I am interested in collaborative work on oak seedling physiology and regeneration silviculture in bottomland forests or contrasting hardwood forest types.
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Emile S. Gardiner

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