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  USAF-USMC Civilian Exchange Program

Introduction to the
Communications & Information Career Program

The CICP offers career advice, job referral, training, tuition assistance, career broadening and internships to Air Force employees working in the Communications, Computers, Information Management and Visual information areas.

For information on the Professional Development program, visit the SCOPE CHAMPION INDEX PAGE.


List Server

Subscribing to the list server is a proactive way to gain access to valuable information that you may not be aware of. We plan to use the server to "push" information to the field that could have a direct impact on your career.

Contact Information

555 E Street West, Suite 1
Randolph AFB TX 78150-4530
Phone DSN 665-3691
Comm (210) 565-3691
FAX DSN 665-2358
Comm (210) 565-2358

Email Addresses

General Comments cicp@randolph.af.mil
Tuition Assistance cicpta@randolph.af.mil
Palace Acquire Intern cicppaq@randolph.af.mil
Position Management Info cicppm@randolph.af.mil

Defense Acquisition University

Students interested in the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) sponsored, mandatory acquisition training to meet the criteria for APDP certification should consult the DAU catalog or contact their local training office for additional information. Students can submit an application for a DAU course via ACQ Now DAU. DAU offers several of their basic acquisition courses via the internet and these courses are open to any interested DOD employee. As Air Force employees you are encouraged to take advantage of these training opportunities, especially the web based ACQ 101 course since it is a prerequisite for many of the other acquisition courses.


Air Force Personnel Center | Randolph AFB, TX 78150