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Career Broadening the LCCEP Way Video!!!

Insight into the LCCEP Career Broadening Program--testimonies supporting the program from both former career broadeners and current senior leaders.

LCCEP TUITION ASSISTANCE NOTICE:  Accepting Tuition Assistance (TA) requests for FY05

As of 8 Sep 2004, tuition assistance (TA) funds for fiscal year 2004 (FY04) are no longer available.
LCCEP will accept TA requests for classes that will utilize FY05 funding, requests with class start dates on or after 5 Nov 2004. FY05 requests must be received in the LCCEP office (DSN Fax 665-4272) NLT 30 days prior to the class start date and not earlier than 90 days prior to the class start date. Requests will be prioritized according to the LCCEP Training Need Prioritization Matrix. Requests must contain complete documentation and meet LCCEP standard requirements.   


Introduction to the
Logistics Civilian Career Enhancement Program

The LCCEP provides career advice, job referral, training, tuition assistance, career broadening and internships to Air Force employees in the Logistics areas. The LCCEP manages approximately 3700 positions in 21 logistics occupational series. Most of the positions are in logistics management, supply management, inventory management, equipment management, or transportation areas.

The LCCEP PALACE TEAM consists of functional specialists and a personnel advisor. Team members coordinate panel activities and interact with the Policy Council, executive panels and the LCCEP work force to accomplish career management objectives. The PALACE team also provides career program information to all levels of management and employees eligible to apply in the program. They provide candidate referral certificates for managed vacancies, manage the LCCEP training program including funds management, maintain statistical data on all career program positions, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the LCCEP, and make recommendations to the Policy Council.

FY05 Whole Person Score (WPS) Intermediate Assessment Interview Cycle Guidance




LCCEP List Server

LCCEP now uses a List Server for one-way communication that will augment the website as a means to communicate policy, procedures and changes to existing managed programs. If you are not currently a subscriber, sign up now!

Contact Information

Phone FAX
DSN: 665-2498/4087/2365
COMM: (210) 565-2498/4087/2365
DSN: 665-4272
COMM: (210) 565-4272
Address E-Mail
555 E Street West, Suite 1
Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4530


Please include your DSN or commercial phone number in your correspondence so we may contact you in the event we have questions and are unable to deliver a response via email.

Defense Acquisition University

Students interested in the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) sponsored, mandatory acquisition training to meet the criteria for APDP certification should consult the DAU catalog or contact their local training office for additional information. Students can submit an application for a DAU course via ACQ Now DAU. DAU offers several of their basic acquisition courses via the internet and these courses are open to any interested DOD employee. As Air Force employees you are encouraged to take advantage of these training opportunities, especially the web based ACQ 101 course since it is a prerequisite for many of the other acquisition courses.



Air Force Personnel Center | Randolph AFB, TX 78150