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Introduction to the
Civilian Personnel Panel

The Civilian Personnel Panel (DCPDS Code: P) is part of the Personnel Career Field Management Team, HQ AFPC/DPKCP, 555 E Street West,  Suite 1, Randolph AFB TX 78150-4530. In general, current Air Force civilian employees holding positions in the GS-2XX occupational series at grades GS-11 and above, may be eligible to apply for approximately 576 positions managed by the program.

The Civilian Personnel Panel Team has no job information for applicants from outside the Air Force.

If you are not currently a civilian Air Force employee, and you are interested in Federal employment, you should call the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) National Job Information Center at 1-800-688-9889. OPM has an automated telephone system available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can also access Federal Jobs Information via the internet. For information related to Air Force employment, you may call the Air Force Personnel Center's Civilian Employment Information System at 1-800-699-4473



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Contact Information

Phone DSN 665-4056
FAX   DSN 665-4028
Email cpp@randolph.af.mil










Last Update: September 22, 2004


Air Force Personnel Center | Randolph AFB, TX 78150