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Introduction to the
Scientist & Engineer Career Program

The Scientist and Engineer Career Program (SECP) is managed by HQ AFPC/DPKCW, 555 E Street West, Suite 1, Randolph AFB TX 78150-4530.

SCIENTIST AND ENGINEER CAREER PROGRAM MISSION STATEMENT: Provide the framework to build and maintain a civilian and military professional force of Air Force scientists and engineers that supports the Air Force mission... an agile workforce that quickly responds to the technology challenges of the 21st century.

Providing the Scientist & Engineer (S&E) work force the professional edge they require is an ongoing effort at SECP. Our constancy of purpose is to identify new opportunities for our eligible employees in areas of training, education, and career broadening. To this end, the following information is provided to assist the eligible employee  in setting future goals and in obtaining the proper training, education, and experience needed to reach those goals. On 16 Apr 99, the SECP Strategic Plan was finalized. We intend to keep you informed through our Web site, our list server , announcements to your training offices, and periodic updates to all Chief Scientists, Senior Engineers, Technical Advisors. Keep in mind, however, there is no system, no guide, and no magic formula that can be substituted for your own personal initiative. The Scientist and Engineer Career Program serves to provide career motivated individuals information necessary to successfully plan their career and achieve their career objectives.

In general, Air Force employees in scientific or engineering (non-environmental) positions may be eligible to apply in the SECP.

SECP Palace Team. The team implements policy established by the Policy Council and Executive Panels and interacts with the Scientist and Engineer (S&E) work force to accomplish career management objectives. PALACE Team administrators come from both the personnel and S&E community. The team is composed of scientists, engineers, operations research analysts, personnel advisors, and administrative clerks. As one of twenty career programs located at the Air Force Personnel Center at Randolph AFB TX, SECP is an important member of the Air Force's overall career management team.

Many of the positions on the PALACE Team are rotational assignments utilizing experienced professionals (functionalists) from the S&E work force. These functionalists bring an "ownership" perspective to the management of the career program. They insure that the needs of the community are met since they have diverse mission experience, an inherent knowledge of the profession, and a vested interest in the career program. If this type of assignment is appropriate for you or your employee's development, look for the messages announcing PALACE Team vacancies. PALACE Team members will typically serve a two-three year term.


List Server

SECP List Server: The Scientist and Engineer Career Program office is running a list server. We will send out messages covering a variety of issues relevant to you and your career including our monthly SECP newsletter. But YOU will have to subscribe to the list server

Subscribers to the SECP list server will automatically receive an email message whenever new information is disseminated. Our current plans are to use the list server for some future SECP job vacancy announcements, career broadening opportunities, education and training opportunities, and other SECP related information.

SAF/AQR Career Broadener Nomination Pkg

Contact Information

Phone FAX Address
DSN 665-2252/2756 DSN 665-3330 HQ AFPC/DPKCW
555 E Street West, Suite 1
Randolph AFB TX 78150-4530
210-565-2252/2756 210-565-3330

E-Mail: secp@randolph.af.mil

Defense Acquisition University

Students interested in the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) sponsored, mandatory acquisition training to meet the criteria for APDP certification should consult the DAU catalog or contact their local training office for additional information. Students can submit an application for a DAU course via ACQ Now DAU. DAU offers several of their basic acquisition courses via the internet and these courses are open to any interested DOD employee. As Air Force employees you are encouraged to take advantage of these training opportunities, especially the web based ACQ 101 course since it is a prerequisite for many of the other acquisition courses.


Air Force Personnel Center | Randolph AFB, TX 78150