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Intense Pulsed Neutron Source
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Ave, Argonne, IL, 60439-4814 USA
Tel. (630)252-6485, Fax. (630)252-4163

Home > Proposals

IPNS Call For Proposals
Deadline: October 29, 2004
Proposals will be accepted for the next operating cycle
January to June 2005

Fast Access Proposals

The IPNS Research Proposal form (PropForm0801) is now available for downloading via ftp.  It is available in MS Word Format and Adobe Acrobat Format. The proposal form can also be downloaded here. The Program Advisory Committee will review only those proposals submitted on the proposal form dated 08/01. Please delete all previously dated forms you may have downloaded.

The proposal form is an important input to the Committee for allocation of beam time. When completing the proposal form:

  • Be as comprehensive as possible; use of figures is extremely useful to the Committee.
  • Limit your information to the available space on the proposal form.
  • Indicate desired and impossible dates.
  • Include your E-mail address in the space provided.
  • Safety and sample information is VERY important, please be sure to notify us of hazards.

Attachments to e-mail messages are preferred and will be accepted as original documents. If submitting by e-mail, send to or mail/FAX to:

Maria Heinig, IPNS User Administrator, Building 360
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439-4814
Phone: 630/252-7820, FAX: 630/252-4163

Those who have already run experiments must submit an experiment report on the standard IPNS Experimental Report Form. Further beam time will not be granted unless reports on all previous experiments have been submitted. Referencing and discussing all previous work at IPNS is extremely useful to the Program Advisory Committee and can enhance your proposal's prospects for acceptance. Experimental reports will also be accepted by e-mail.

Click here for Research Proposals and Experimental Reports directions and downloads.

Proposals will be accepted for the following instruments:
Special Environment/General Purpose/High Intensity Powder Diffractometers: SEPD/GPPD/HIPD
Single Crystal Diffractometer: SCD
Small Angle Neutron Diffractometers: SAD/SAND
Low-Resolution/High-Resolution Medium-Energy Chopper Spectrometers: LRMECS/HRMECS
Polarized Neutron Reflectometer: POSY
Neutron Reflectometer: POSY II
Glass, Liquid and Amorphous Materials Diffractometer: GLAD
Quasielastic Neutron Spectrometer: QENS

Some important parameters relating to instrument performance are shown in the following table. User instruments are scheduled up to 75% of their time for users. Additional information about any of the instruments may be obtained from the Instrument Scientists whose names are listed in the table and from the IPNS Home Page link to instruments.

Assistance for University Users of IPNS
Partial support for travel or living expenses is available upon request to users from North American universities.

User Liaison
Brent Heuser at the University of Illinois ( is the IPNS User Liaison and will pass along user issues or concerns.

Purchase of Proprietary Beam Time
Beam time for experiments can be purchased under a rate structure approved by the Department of Energy (DOE). For proprietary work or publishable work that is not of direct interest to the DOE, the full cost recovery rate of ~$5000/Instrument/day (effective October, 2001) will be applicable. For information, contact the IPNS Division Director, Raymond Teller, at (630)252-4999, or


Instrument Range Resolution
(Instrument Scientist-phone/Scientific Support) Scattering-vector*
DQ(Å-1) Energy
Special Environment Powder Diffractometer
(J. D. Jorgensen-630-252-5513/S. Short)
0.5-50 ** 0.35% **
General Purpose Powder Diffractometer
(J. Richardson-630-252-3554/E. Maxey)
0.5-100 ** 0.25% **
Single Crystal Diffractometer
(A. J. Schultz-630-252-3465/M. Miller)
2-20 ** 2% **
Low-Res. Medium-Energy Chopper Spectrometer
(R. Osborn-630-252-9011)
0.1-30 0-0.6 0.02 ko 0.05 Eo
High-Res. Medium-Energy Chopper Spectrometer
(A. Kolesnikov-630-252-3555)
0.3-9 0-0.4 0.01 ko 0.02 Eo
Small Angle Diffractometer
(J. Lal-630-252-6042/E. Lang-630-252-6102)
0.006-0.35 ** 0.004 **
Small Angle Neutron Diffractometer
(P. Thiyagarajan-630-252-3593/D. Wozniak-630-252-3592)
0.0035-0.8 ** 0.001-0.004 **
Polarized Neutron Reflectometer (POSY)
(S.G.E. teVelthuis-630-252-1075/R. Goyette)
0.0-0.07 ** 0.0003 **
Neutron Reflectometer (POSY II)
(R. Goyette-630-252-4328)
0.0-0.25 ** 0.001 **
Quasielastic Neutron Spectrometer
(C.-K. Loong-630-252-5596)
0.42-2.59 0-0.1 ~0.2 70 µeV§
0.01 DE
Glass, Liquid and Amorphous Materials Diffractometer
(C. Benmore-630-252-7665/J. Siewenie)
** ~0.5% cotq
~1.0% cotq
High Intensity Powder Diffractometer
(A.J. Schultz-630-252-3465)
** 1.8-3.5%
* Scattering-vector, Q = 4psinq/l, 2q = scattering angle, l = wavelength
** No energy analysis
¶ Two sample positions
§ Elastic and inelastic resolution

Chemical Excitations Spectrometer

October 4, 2004

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