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July 31, 2004 [Number 230]     Printable Version Printable version (703k PDF)




iSDP Has Significantly Expanded Offerings

CIT's Information Systems Designated Procurement (iSDP) acquires and delivers brand-name software, hardware, and services to NIH and HHS personnel. iSDP takes advantage of large volume purchasing agreements to provide significantly discounted prices. The agreements also eliminate the need for customers to search for the best information systems deals.

iSDP has significantly expanded its offerings since the program began in 1999. iSDP now has over 25 large volume purchasing agreements in place. iSDP provides major software titles, hardware and services to more than 54,000 customers, including all of NIH and 84% of HHS personnel. New offerings include:

•     Software

    iSDP has recently assumed responsibility for the HHS Enterprise Licensing Agreements for Oracle and SAS.

•     Hardware

    Blackberry offerings now include agreements with AT&T;, Cingular, and T-Mobile.

•     Services

    iSDP offers AppleCare, a technical support solution including phone and e-mail support for advanced server operation, migration, and integration issues. Apple products covered under AppleCare plans include Mac OS X Server, Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X, WebObjects, QuickTime Streaming Server, QuickTime Broadcaster, and Apple Remote Desktop.

•     Other Agreements

    Also available through the iSDP are:

    statistical software

    including SPSS, Insightful (S-Plus), Mathematica, and MacVector


    including iDefense, Gartner, and SAIC/CDW-G

    other software

    including Absolute, Adobe, BindView, Citrix, Computer Associates, Macromedia, Microsoft, and Peregrine

More Information

We recommend a visit to the iSDP web site. You will find the complete listing of licensing agreements—as well as information on vendor agreements, catalogs, and a list of iSDP contacts for each agency or NIH IC.

For additional information, call the NIH Help Desk at 301-496-4357. Or send e-mail to

Published by Center for Information Technology, National Institutes of Health
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