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Ames Research Center Education banner

NASA•Ames Research Center • Attn: DP:226-8/Education Office • Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 • (650) 604-3939

NASA's Vision

To improve life here,
To extend life to there,
To find life beyond.

NASA's Mission

To understand and protect our home planet,
To explore the universe and search for life,
To inspire the next generation of explorers
. . .as only NASA can.

NASA's Goals

  • To inspire and motivate students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)

  • To engage the public in shaping and sharing the experience of exploration and discover

For Students

Web sites, image library and opportunities for student employment and internship

For Educators

Educator Astronaut program, Explorer schools, calendar, assemblies, multimedia projects and educator workshops

For Informal Educators

Mars Center, speakers and volunteer opportunities

For Media


Web site Curator: Mary Valleau

Responsible NASA Official: Donald G. James

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Revised Thursday, June 3, 2004