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 - FPC Briefings on Iraq
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U.S. Department of State, International Information Programs-The New Iraq

White House: Renewal in Iraq

Department of Defense: Central Command Web Site

State Department: Iraq Website

State Department Fact Sheets on Iraq

Iraq Update: Office of International Information Programs, Dept. of State

USAID: Assistance for Iraq

Web Site Links
-- Bechtel Corporation: Iraq Infrastrucure Reconstruction Program
-- - Great Iraq Conflict Coverage Gallery
-- Librarian's Index to the Internet - theme collection: war and peace - resources related to Iraq
-- Reference Guide to the Geneva Conventions
-- Military Glossary - collection of links to military dictionaries, definitions
-- NewsNow Iraq - news breaking stories
-- Center for Defense Information - Eye on Iraq
-- Conflict: Iraq and the United States - The Journalist's Toolbox
-- Iraq War Debate - 2002/2004: University of Michigan Documents Center
-- Iraq - Council on Foreign Relations
-- Iraq Briefing Book - Center for Stratgegic and International Studies
-- Reconstructing Iraq - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

FPC Briefings on Iraq
--09/27/04  Building a New Iraq: Iraqi Women Step Forward in Partnership; Paula Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs ; Foreign Press Center Briefing ; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--08/25/04  Investigation Results: Military Intelligence Activities at Abu Ghraib; General Paul Kern, The Appointing Authority for the Investigation; Foreign Press Center; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--07/21/04  Unearthed Mass Graves: Iraqis Coming to Terms with Their Past; Andrew Natsios, Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--05/28/04  U.S. Foreign Policy; Colin L. Powell, Secretary of State; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--05/20/04  NATO, Iraq, U.S.-European Relations and Other Current International Issues; William Cohen, Former U.S. Secretary of Defense; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--04/14/04  The Coalition Provisional Authority and Democracy-Building in Iraq; David Ballard, Director, Office of Foreign Press, U.S. Departmemt of State; Foreign Press Center Roundtable Discussion; New York, New York -- Official Transcript
--03/25/04  The Coalition Provisional Authority and Democracy-Building in Iraq; David Ballard, Director, Office of Foreign Press, U.S. Department of State; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--03/17/04  Iraq: From Mass Graves to a Better Life; Andrew Natsios, Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--03/17/04  Operation Iraqi Freedom: One Year Later; General Richard Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--03/11/04  Women in Iraq: New Beginnings; Charlotte Ponticelli, Senior Coordinator for International Women's Issues, Bureau of Global Affairs, U.S. Dept. of State; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--02/04/04  U.S.-Iraq Fulbright Program ; Thomas A. Farrell, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Academic Programs, U.S. Department of State ; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--11/19/03  The U.S. Commitment to Women in Iraq; Charlotte Ponticelli, Senior Coordinator for International Women's Issues, Department of State; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC
--10/30/03  U.S. Foreign Policy; Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor; Foreign Press Center Briefing; New York, New York -- Official Transcript
--10/27/03  The Achievements of the Iraq Donors' Conference in Madrid and Progress on Economic and Financial Reconstruction; Dr. John Taylor, Under Secretary of Treasury for International Affairs; Foreign Press Center Briefing; New York, New York -- Official Transcript
--10/22/03  Preview of Iraq Donors' Conference in Madrid, October 23-23, 2003; Alan P. Larson, Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--10/21/03  Update on USAID Reconstruction Activities in Iraq; Andrew S. Natsios, U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--10/09/03  U.S. Foreign Policy; Adam Ereli, Deputy Spokesman, Bureau of Public Affairs, Department of State; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--10/03/03  Changing Minds, Winning Peace; Ambassador Edward P. Djerejian, Chairman of the U.S. Advisory Group on Public Diplomacy for the Arab and Muslim World; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--09/24/03  Iraqi Public Works Reconstruction; Mrs. Nasreen Mustafa Sadiq Barwari, Iraqi Minister of Public Works; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--09/17/03  Status of Rebuilding and Training the Iraqi Army; Walter B. Slocombe, Senior Advisor for Defense and Security Sector Affairs, Coalition Provisional Authority for Iraq; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--09/09/03  Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East Peace Process; Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--09/05/03  Preparations for an Iraq Donors Conference; Alan P. Larson, Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs ; Foreign Press Center; Washington D.C.  -- Official Transcript
--07/29/03  Recently Completed Visits to Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, and Expansion of Human and Civil Rights and Supporting Democracy in These Three Countries; Lorne Craner, Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Dept. of State; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--07/23/03  Coalition's Post-War Reconstruction and Stabilization Efforts; Ambassador L. Paul Bremer, Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--06/13/03  U.S. Foreign Policy Objectives and Priorities in the Middle East and the Rest of the Globe; Richard Haass, Director, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State ; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript.
--05/28/03  Update on Iraq; Douglas Feith, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--05/23/03  Understanding United Nations Resolution 1483; Dr. Kim R. Holmes, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--05/20/03  Reconsruction and Humanitarian Relief Efforts in Iraq; Wendy Chamberlin, Assistant Administrator for Asia and the Near East, U.S. Agency for International Development; New York Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript.
--05/14/03  Briefing by the National Security Advisor; Dr. Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript.
--05/12/03  Lifting UN Sanctions on Iraq: Helping the Iraqi People Build Their Future; Dr. Kim Holmes, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--05/01/03  U.S. Assistance to the Iraqi Economy; Alan Larson, Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript.
--04/30/03  Patterns of Global Terrorism; Ambassador J. Cofer Black, Coordinator, Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Department of State ; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--04/25/03  Issues Relating to Iraq; Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript.
--04/21/03  Humanitarian Aid for Iraq; Andrew S. Natsios, Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--04/15/03  Foreign Press Center Briefing by the Secretary of State; Colin L. Powell, Secretary of State; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--04/15/03  Issues Relating to Iraq; General Richard B. Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Department of Defense; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript.
--04/11/03  Issues Relating to Iraq; Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--04/10/03  Building a Coalition for Humanitarian Assistance and Reconstruction in Iraq; Alan P. Larson, Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--04/03/03  Coalition Targeting Procedures; Major General Stanley A. McChrystal, Vice Director for Operations, J-3, Joint Staff, Department of Defense ; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript.
--04/01/03  Release of the 2002 Human Rights Report; Scott Carpenter, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor ; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--03/28/03  Eliminating the Threat to World Security Posed by the Iraqi Regime and Halting the Torture, Imprisonment and Execution of Innocents; Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--03/26/03  Humanitarian and Reconstruction Aid to Iraq; Andrew S. Natsios, Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--03/19/03  Assisting Iraqis with Their Future: Planning for Democracy.; Marc Grossman, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript.
--03/06/03  Human Rights and Women in Iraq: Voices of Iraqi Women.; Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--02/28/03  Humanitarian Relief Planning for Iraq; Richard Greene, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript.
--02/27/03  Second UN Security Council Resolution on Iraq; Kim Holmes, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs ; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript. 
--02/26/03  Iraq's Voices of Freedom; James Larocca, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript.
--02/13/03  The Recent Trip of Secretary Rumsfeld to Italy and Germany and International Support for the Global War on Terrorism; J.D. Crouch, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC (Unofficial Transcript)
--02/07/03  Iraq Update and Other Nonproliferation Issues; John S. Wolf, Assistant Secretary of State for Nonprolilferation; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript.
--01/30/03  Department of Defense Media Support Plan; Bryan Whitman, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript.
--01/29/03  Global Nonprolilferation Challenges; John S. Wolf, Assistant Secretary of State for Nonprolilferation; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript.
--01/23/03  White House Publication "What Does Disarmament Look Like? "; Senior Administration Official; Foreign Press Center BACKGROUND Briefing; Washington, DC (Unofficial Transcript)
--01/22/03  Defense Department Update for Foreign Media; Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC (Unofficial Transcript)
--01/21/03  White House Publication "Apparatus of Lies: Saddam’s Disinformation and Propaganda 1990-2003 "; Senior Administration Official; Foreign Press Center BACKGROUND Briefing; Washington, DC (Unofficial Transcript)
--01/10/03  Briefing for Foreign Media; Philip Reeker, Deputy Spokesman, Department of State; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript.

CRS Reports on Iraq
--04/29/04  The Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA): Origin, Characteristics, and Institutional Authorities -- New!
--02/23/04  Iraq: U.S. Regime Change Efforts and Post-Saddam Governance -- Updated
--02/05/04  Iraq and Al Qaeda: Allied or Not? -- New!
--01/16/04  U.S. Intelligence and Policymaking: The Iraq Experience -- Updated
--10/15/03  FY2004 Supplemental Appropriations for Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Global War on Terrorism: Military Operations & Reconstruction Assistance Updated
--10/14/03  Iraq: Summary of U.S. Casualties Updated
--10/10/03  Syria: U.S. Relations and Bilateral Issues Updated
--10/07/03  Iraq: UN Inspections for Weapons of Mass Destruction Updated
--10/02/03  Iraq: Recent Developments in Reconstruction Assistance Updated
--10/02/03  Iraq: U.S. Military Operations Updated
--10/02/03  Terrorism and National Security: Issues and Trends Updated
--09/24/03  Iraq Recontruction Resources: Fact Sheet Updated
--09/24/03  United Nations Peacekeeping: Issues for Congress Updated
--09/15/03  Saudi Arabia: Current Issues and U.S. Relations Updated
--09/02/03  Iraq: Weapons Programs, U.N. Requirements, and U.S. Policy Updated
--08/28/03  Terrorists and Suicide Attacks NEW!
--08/21/03  Iraq: United Nations and Humanitarian Aid Organizations Updated
--08/15/03  Iran's Nuclear Program: Recent Development NEW!
--08/06/03  Peacekeeping: Issues of U.S. Military Involvement Updated
--08/05/03  Intelligence Issues for Congress Updated
--07/31/03  The Iran-Libya Sanctions Act (ILSA) Updated
--07/25/03  Iran: Current Developments and U.S. Policy Updated
--07/14/03  The Persian Gulf States: Post-War Issues for U.S. Policy, 2003 Updated
--05/23/03  Al Qaeda after the Iraq Conflict NEW!
--05/19/03  Iraq: Oil-For-Food Program, International Sanctions, and Illicit Trade Updated.
--04/22/03  Iraq War: Background and Issues Overview Updated.
--03/31/03  Iraq: Divergent Views on Military Action Updated.
--03/27/03  Iraq: A Compilation of Legislation Enacted and Resolutions Adopted by Congress, 1990-2003 Updated.
--03/25/03  Iraq: Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Capable Missiles and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Updated.
--03/24/03  War Powers Resolution: Presidential Compliance Updated.
--03/19/03  Iraq: Map Sources Updated.
--03/18/03  United Nations Security Council -- Its Role in the Iraq Crisis: A Brief Overview Updated.
--03/10/03  Iraq: Weapons Threat, Compliance, Sanctions, and U.S. Policy Updated.
--03/04/03  Iraq War? Current Situation and Issues for Congress Updated.
--03/03/03  Iraq: Potential U.S. Military Operations Updated.
--01/07/03  Chemical Weapons Convention: Issues for Congress Updated.
--01/03/03  Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade: Key Issues for the 108th Congress NEW!
--01/03/03  Iran: Arms and Weapons of Mass Destruction Suppliers Updated.
--10/31/02  Iraq: The Turkish Factor Updated.
--10/16/02  Iraq: Former and Recent Military Confrontations With the United States Updated.
--09/18/02  U.S. Use of Preemptive Military Force NEW!

USG Reports on Iraq
-- Iraq's Legacy of Terror: Mass Graves - U.S. AID
-- State Department: Issues Affecting Funding of Iraqi National Congress Support Foundation
-- Oil for Food Program Synopsis
-- Rebuilding Iraq: Resource, Security, Governance, Essential Services, and Oversight Issues - GAO
-- Report of the U.S. Intelligence Community's Prewar Intelligence Assessment on Iraq
-- Iraq's Transitional Law
-- Paying for Iraq's Reconstruction - Congressional Budget Office
-- GAO Report: Rebuilding Iraq. [GAO-03-792R] May 21, 2003.
-- Iraq Report from 2002 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices. March 31, 2003
-- Iraq's Voices for Freedom. Department of State
-- Iraq Country Analysis Brief - U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration
-- Iraq's Hidden Weapons: Failing to Disclose and Disarm. Department of State
-- Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs. Central Intelligence Agency. September 2002

CRS Reports Related to Middle East Peace
--07/12/04  Israel: U.S. Foreign Assistance -- Updated
--07/09/04  Israeli-United States Relations -- Updated
--07/06/04  Terrorism and National Security: Issues and Trends -- Updated
--05/20/04  Palestinians and Middle East Peace: Issues for the United States -- Updated
--04/22/04  Disarming Libya: Weapons of Mass Destruction -- New!
--03/17/04  Qatar: Background and U.S. Relations -- Updated
--03/04/04  Iran's Nuclear Program: Recent Developments -- Updated
--10/10/03  Egypt-United States Relations Updated
--10/10/03  Syria: U.S. Relations and Bilateral Issues Updated
--09/15/03  Saudi Arabia: Current Issues and U.S. Relations Updated
--09/08/03  The Middle East Peace Talks Updated
--08/28/03  Terrorists and Suicide Attacks NEW!
--08/06/03  Peacekeeping: Issues of U.S. Military Involvement Updated
--08/05/03  Intelligence Issues for Congress Updated
--07/31/03  The Iran-Libya Sanctions Act (ILSA) Updated
--07/23/03  Jordan: U.S. Relations and Bilateral Issues Updated
--07/23/03  The Al-Jazeera News Network: Opportunity or Challenge for U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East? Updated
--07/23/03  The Middle East Partnership Initiative: An Overview Updated
--05/07/03  United Nations Peacekeeping: Issues for Congress Updated.
--04/11/03  Terrorism, the Future, and U.S. Foreign Policy Updated.
--02/11/03  Nuclear Nonproliferation Issues Updated.
--01/03/03  Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade: Key Issues for the 108th Congress NEW!
--01/03/03  Iran: Arms and Weapons of Mass Destruction Suppliers Updated.


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