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Key Topics
 - U.S. Military Commissions and Tribunals
 - 9/11 Investigation
 - President Bush's FY 2005 Budget
 - California Gubernatorial Recall
 - Elections 2004
 - Depleted Uranium
 - Middle East Peace
 - Iraq
 - Global Campaign Against Terrorism

Key Topics

U.S. Military Commissions and Tribunals
Links to Background Information
U.S. Government Statements/Briefings

9/11 Investigation
-- 9/11 Commission Report-Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the U.S.
-- 9/11 Commission Report: Reorganization, Transformation, and Information Sharing - GAO Report
-- Public Hearings of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
U.S. Government Statements/Briefings
Congressional Research Reports
Non-Governmental Reports

President Bush's FY 2005 Budget
-- Budget and Economic Outlook - Fiscal Years 2005 to 2014
-- Budget Message of President Bush
-- Budget of the U.S. Government - Fiscal Year 2005
-- Department of State and International Assistance Programs
-- International Affairs - FY2005 Budget - Fact Sheet
-- Overview of the President's 2005 Budget
-- President Bush Discusses Budget After Cabinet Meeting
-- President Bush's FY 2005 Budget
-- Press Briefing on the Budget by OMB Director Josh Bolten

California Gubernatorial Recall
Procedure and History
Other Sites

Elections 2004
Foreign Press Center Announcements
Foreign Press Center Briefings
U.S. Election Process
Political Parties/Candidates
Election Calendar
Foreign Policy
Elections Trivia
Congressional Elections
Role of the Media
Role of Minority Groups
Other Sites

Depleted Uranium
--  Depleted Uranium Web Links
--  Depleted Uranium -- Health Concerns

Middle East Peace
-- Roadmap to a Permanent Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, US Dept. of State
-- Link to Web Site: The Middle East: A Vision For the Future (Int'l Information Programs)
FPC Briefings on the Middle East
CRS Reports Related to Middle East Peace
CRS Reports on Iraq

U.S. Department of State, International Information Programs-The New Iraq
White House: Renewal in Iraq
Department of Defense: Central Command Web Site
State Department: Iraq Website
State Department Fact Sheets on Iraq
Iraq Update: Office of International Information Programs, Dept. of State
USAID: Assistance for Iraq
Web Site Links
FPC Briefings on Iraq
CRS Reports on Iraq
USG Reports on Iraq
CRS Reports Related to Middle East Peace

Global Campaign Against Terrorism
-- Patterns of Global Terrorism 2003. State Department Report. Released 4/29/04
-- The Global Coalition Against Terrorism: Media Fact Sheets
-- Response to Terrorism: International Information Programs
Foreign Press Center Briefings
Congressional Research Reports
U.S. Government Reports
--  Global Campaign Against Terrorism: Web Links


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