Mission Statement

As described in NOAA Organization Handbook . . .

The NOAA Civil Rights Office (formerly NOAA Civil Rights Staff) advises and assists the Under Secretary in carrying out NOAA's responsibilities relative to Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967; the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; as well as any other laws, Executive Orders, regulatory guidelines affecting affirmative action and non-discrimination within the Federal Government; and matters regarding equal employment opportunity (EEO) or affirmative action policy recommendations, objectives, and progress in meeting goals. The Staff processes and adjudicates complaints of discrimination; and plans, develops, monitors, and evaluates NOAA-wide Affirmative Employment Program plans. It conducts studies on systemic employment problems, assesses the effect of policies and practices on equal employment, identifies employment barriers, recommends solutions, and develops written guidance for management on all of the foregoing. The Staff provides advice to all principal Line and Staff Office officials and managers concerning all aspects of NOAA's EEO/Civil Rights Program.

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