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Milhous, R. T. 1999. History, Theory, Use, and Limitations of the Physical Habitat Simulation System. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Ecohydraulics. CD-ROM published by Utah State University Extension. Logan, Utah.

Milhous, R.T. 1999. Nose Velocities in Physical Habitat Simulation. In: Hydraulic Engineering for Sustainable Water Resources Management at the Turn of the Millennium. Proceedings of the XXVIII IAHR Congress. 22-27 August, 1999. Technical University Graz. Institute for Hydraulics and Hydrology.

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Bovee, K.D., B.L. Lamb, J.M. Bartholow, C.B. Stalnaker, J. Taylor and J. Henriksen.  1998.  Stream habitat analysis using the instream flow incremental methodology.  U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Discipline Information and Technology Report USGS/BRD-1998-0004.  viii + 131 pp. 

Bowen, Z.H., and M.C. Freeman. 1998. Sampling Effort and Estimates of Species Richness Based on Prepositioned Area Electrofisher Samples. North American Journal of fisheries Management 18:144-153.

Bowen, Z.H., M.C. Freeman, and K.D. Bovee. 1998. Evaluation of generalized habitat criteria for assessing impacts of altered flow regimes on warmwater fishes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (127):455-468.

Bowen, Z.H., M.C. Freeman, and D.L. Watson. 1998. Index of biotic integrity applied to a flow-regulated river system. Proceedings Annual Conference Southeast Association Fish and Wildlife Agencies 50:26-37.

Flug, M. 1998. Ecosystems Considerations in Reservoir Management. Water Resources Update, UCOWR. The Universities Council on Water Resources, Carbondale, IL. Summer 1997 (108) 43-56.

Flug, M., H.L. Seitz, and J.F. Scott. 1998. A Data Gathering Technique for River Resource Identification. Pages 7-9 to 7-16 in Proceedings of the First Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, April 19-23, 1998. Vol 2. Subcommittee on Hydrology of the Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Hanna, B., L. Saito, J. Bartholow, and J. Sandelin. April 1998. Results of Mock TCD Operations on In-Reservoir and Discharge Water Temperatures Using CE-QUAL-W2.

Milhous, R.T. 1998. Restoring River Substrate Using Instream Flows: The Gunnison and Trinity Rivers. In: D.F. Hayes, editor. Engineering Approaches to Ecosystem Restoration. Proceedings: Wetlands Engineering & River Restoration Conference 1998. American Society of Civil Engineers. Reston, Virginia. 6 pages. Published as a CD-ROM.

Scott, J.F., and M. Flug. 1998. Modeling with MODSIM: Klamath River Water Quantity for Protecting Fish and other Resource Values. Pages 8-103 to 8-110 in Proceedings of the First Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, April 19-23, 1998. Vol. 2. Subcommittee on Hydrology of the Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Stalnaker, C.B. 1998. The Instream Flow Incremental Methodology. Pages 9-11 in S. Blazkova, C.B. Stalnaker, and O. Novicky, editors. Hydroecological Modeling:Research, Practice, Legislation and Decision-Making. Occasional non-periodical publication. T.G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, Prah, Czech Republic.

Waddle, T.J. 1998. Development of 2-dimensional habitat models. Pages 19-22 in S. Blazkova, C.B. Stalnaker, and O. Novicky, editors. Hydroecological Modeling:Research, Practice, Legislation and Decision-Making. Occasional non-periodical publication. T.G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, Prah, Czech Republic.

Waddle, T.J. 1998. Integrating Microhabitat and Macrohabitat. Pages 12-14 in S. Blazkova, C.B. Stalnaker, and O. Novicky, editors. Hydroecological Modeling:Research, Practice, Legislation and Decision-Making. Occasional non-periodical publication. T.G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, Prah, Czech Republic.

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Freeman, M.C., Z.H. Bowen, and J.H. Crance. 1997. Transferability of habitat suitability criteria for fishes in warmwater streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17(1):20-31.

Owen, W.J., T.K. Gates, and M. Flug. 1997. Variability in perceived satisfaction of reservoir management objectives. Journal of Water Resources Bulletin 123:3:147-153.

Waddle, T.J. 1997. Use of fish population models in instream flow management. Pages 231-238 in Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Resources and Environmental Resources. (Volume II). October 29-31, 1996, Kyoto, Japan.

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Bartholow, J.M. 1996. Sensitivity of a salmon population model to alternative formulations and initial conditions. Ecological Modeling 88(1-3):215-226.

Bovee, K. B. 1996. Managing Instream Flow for Biodiversity: A Conceptual Model and Hypotheses. Pps. 83-100 in Proceedings of the Northern River Basins Study, NRBS Project Report No. 66, Edmonton, Alberta.

Bovee, K. 1996. Perspectives on two-dimensional river habitat models: the PHABSIM experience. Proceedings 2nd International Symposium on Habitat Hydraulics. Pps B150-B152.

Lieberman, D. 1996. Use of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichys molotrix) and Bighead Carp (Aristichthys nobillis) for Algae Control in a Small Pond: Changes in Water Quality. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. Vol. 11 No.4:391-397.

Mueller, G. 1996. Establishment of a fish community in the Hayden-Rhodes and Salt-Gila Aqueducts, Arizona. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 16(4): 795-804.

Mueller, G., J. Sartoris, K. Nakamura, and J. Boutwell. 1996. Ukishima, floating islands, or schwimmkampen?. Lakeline, a publication of North American Lake Management Society, Vol. 16., No. 3. 3 pps.

Stalnaker, C.B, K.D. Bovee, and T.J. Waddle. 1996. Importance of the temporal aspects of habitat hydraulics to fish population studies. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management. 12:145-153.

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Andersen, D.C. 1995. Demographics of small mammals using anthropogenic desert riparian habitat in AZ. Journal of Wildlife Management, 58(3):445-454.

Auble, G.T., J.M. Friedman, and M.L. Scott. 1995. Regeneration processes and conservation of riparian forests in the Great Plains. Pages 36-37 in J. Aldrich, editor. Proceedings of the Biodiversity Conservation Strategies for the Great Plains Symposium. The Nature Conservancy, Austin, TX. 54 pp.

Bartholow, J. 1995. The stream network temperature model (SNTEMP): A decade of results. Pages 57-60 in Ahuja, L., K. Rojas, and E. Seeley, eds. Workshop on Computer Applications in Water Management, Proceedings of the 1995 Workshop. Water Resources Research Institute, Fort Collins, Colorado. Information Series No. 79. 292 pp.

Bartholow, J.M. and T.J. Waddle. 1995. The search for an optimum flow regime using a salmon population model. Pps 331-339 in Waterpower 95. Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydropower, ASCE. San Francisco, CA. July 25-28, 1995.

Bartholow, J.M., A.J. Douglas, and J.G. Taylor. 1995. Balancing hydropower and environmental values: the resource management implications of the US electric consumers protection act and the AWARE software. Environmental Values 4(1995):257-270.

Burkardt, N., B.L. Lamb, J.G. Taylor, and T.J. Waddle. 1995. Technical Clarity on Interagency Negotiation: Lessons from Four Hydropower Projects. Water Resources Bulletin 31(2):187-198. American Water Resources Bulletin.

Douglas, A.J., and D. Harpman. 1995. Recreation and jobs in the Glen Canyon dam region. Pages 1615-1624 in J.J. Cassidy, ed. Waterpower `95, Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydropower, Volume 1. ASCE. 25-29 July, 1995, San Francisco, CA.

Douglas, A.J., J.G. Taylor, and J.M. Bartholow. 1995. Balancing hydropower and environmental values: A review of the AWARE software. Environmental Software 10(2):109-115.

Ekstrand, E., D.D. Draper, J.R. McKean, and R.L. Johnson. 1995. Economic analysis of critical habitat designation for the Mexican spotted owl. Unpublished report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service New Mexico ecological state services office. Albuquerque, NM. Ft. Collins, CO: Colorado State University and National Biological Service. 73 pp.

Flug, M., and W.J. Owen. 1995. A personal computer decision support system for quantification of hydrology and instream resource values. In: Sustainable Society and Protected Areas, Robert . Linn (Ed.), contributed papers from the 8th Conference on Research and Resource Management in Parks and on Public Lands. The George Wright Society, Hancock, MI. Pp. 48-54.

Flug, M. 1995. Quantify Objectives and Evaluate Compromise Alternatives:Hydropower vs. Environmental Impacts on the Colorado River at Glen Canyon Dam. In: Sustainable Society and Protected Areas, Robert M. Linn (Ed.), contributed papers of the 8th conference on Research and Resource Management in Parks and on Public Lands. The George Wright Society, Hancock, MI. Pp. 43-47.

Flug, M. 1995. Multi-criterion decision analysis for comparing hydropower and environmental impacts from operation of Glen Canyon Dam, Northernmost Arizona. In: Energy and the Environment-application of geosciences to decision-making, program and short papers, USGS Circular 1108, Carter, L.M.H. (ed.), Tenth V.E. McKelvey Forum on Mineral and Energy Resources, WA, DC, pp. 103-104.

Freeman, M.C. 1995. Movements by two small fishes in a large stream. Copeia, 1995 pp. 361-367.

Friedman, J.M., G.T. Auble, and M.L. Scott. 1995. Geomorphic requirements for establishment and maintenance of cottonwood forest. Pps 80-88 in Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting. Great Plains Agricultural Council Publication No. 149.

Campbell, S.G., and S.M. Nelson. 1995. Integrated assessment of metals contamination in a lotic system using water chemistry, transplanted bryophytes, and macroinvertebrates. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 10(4):409-420.

Ischinger, L.S., and P.B. Shafroth. 1995. Induced root-suckering shows potential for reestablishing riparian trees (New Mexico). Restoration & Management Notes 13(1):121.

Lamb, B.L. 1995. Criteria For Evaluating State Instream-Flow Programs: Deciding What Works. Pp 270-274 in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. Vol.121 No.3

Layzer, J.B., and L.M. Madison. 1995. Microhabitat use by freshwater mussels and recommendations for determining their instream flow needs. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management, Vol. 10, 329-345.

Lieberman, D. 1995. Nutrient limitation in a Southwestern Desert Reservoir: eutrophication of Las Vegas Bay, Lake Mead, Nevada. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 10(3):241-253.

Milhous, R.T. 1995. Watershed sedimentation characteristics and river sedimentation. Pages 119-125 in B. Wiezik, editor. Hydrologic processes in the catchment. University of Technology Press, Cracow, Poland.

Milhous, R.T. 1995. Changes in sediment transport capacity in the lower Gunnison River, Colorado. in G. Petts, editor. Man's Influence on Freshwater Ecosystems and Water Use. IAHS Publication No. 230. International Association of Hydrological Science. Wallingford, England. Pp 275-280.

Milhous, R.T. 1995. The Physical Habitat Simulation System: Structure and Logic. Pps 133--136,250,251 in Workshop on Computer Application In Water Management - Proceedings of the 1995 Workshop.

Milhous, R.T. 1995. Suspended and Bed Load in Flushing Flow Analysis: Trinity River Case Study. In More-Seytoux, Hubert J., ed. Fifteenth Annual Hydrology Days. Hydrology Days Publications, Atherton, CA. Pp 173-184.

Milhous, R.T. 1995. Hydrology and Sedimentation in the Bosque Del Apache Reach of the Rio Grande. Pps. 601-610 in Water in the 21st Century:Conservation, Demand, and Supply, AWRA. April 1995.

Milhous, R.T. and G.T. Auble. 1995. Modeling the Riparian Zone. Pps. 137-140 in Workshop on Computer Application In Water Management - Proceedings of the 1995 Workshop.

Morel-Seytoux, H.J., C. Zhang and M. Flug. 1995. An optimization computational technique for management of reservoirs for recreation: In: proceedings of the 15th Annual AGU Hydrology Days. Hydrology Days Publications. Atherton, CA. pp. 185-194.

Mueller, G. 1995. Bonytail and razorback sucker in the Colorado River Basin. Pps 324-326 in Our living resources:a report to the national on the distribution, abundance, and health of U.S. plants, animals, and ecosystems. US Dept. of the Interior, NBS, Washington, DC.

Nimmo, D.R., M.J. Willox, N.J. Hoefs, B.C. Kondratieff, T.A. Steidl-Pulley, and D.R. Beeson. 1995. Determination of toxic conditions using fish and macroinvertebrate community surveys and on-site bioassays: Wilson's Creek National Battlefield Park, Springfield, MO. Proceedings of the George Wright Society, 8th Conference on Research and Resource Management in Parks and on Public Lands, April 17-21, 1995. Pp. 170-177.

Owen, W.J., M. Flug, and T.K. Gates. 1995. Fuzzy decision analysis for power, recreation, and environmental objectives on the Green River, CO and UT. Pps. 247-255 in Proceedings of ASCE Waterpower '95 International Conference on Hydropower. July 25-18, San Francisco, CA.

Stalnaker, C.B., B.L. Lamb, J. Henriksen, K. Bovee, and J. Bartholow. 1995. The instream flow incremental methodology: A primer for the IFIM. National Biological Service, Biological Report 29. March 1995. 45 pp.

Taylor, J.G., N. Burkardt, and B.L. Lamb. 1995. Rules for Success in Environmental Negotiation. Pps 30-37 in Waterpower'95, Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydropower , American Society of Civil Engineers.

Taylor, J.G., J.M. Bartholow, and A.J. Douglas. 1995. A Review of ECPA and the AWARE TM Software. Pps 643-652 in Waterpower'95, Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydropower , American Society of Civil Engineers.

Taylor, J.G., and J. Vining. 1995. Interdisciplinary interaction: Homework, Scale, Place, Pps. 53-60 in Human Ecology:Progress through integrative perspectives. The Society for Human Ecology, Bar Harbor, MN.

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Armour, C.L. 1994. Evaluating temperature regimes for protection of brown trout. National Biological Survey, Resource Publication 201.

Auble, G.T., J.M. Friedman, and M.L. Scott. 1994. Relating riparian vegetation to present and future streamflows. Ecological Applications. 4(3):544-554.

Bartholow, J.M., and T.J. Waddle. 1994. A salmon population model for evaluating alternative flow regimes. Pages 877-880 in D.G. Fontane and H.N. Tuvel, eds., Water Policy and Management: Solving the Problems, Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference, Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE. Denver, CO. May 23-26, 1994.

Bovee, K.D., T.J. Newcomb, and T.G. Coon. 1994. Relations between habitat variability and population dynamics of bass in the Huron River, MI. Biological Report Number 21. 63 Pages.

Bovee, K.D. 1994. Data collection procedures for the physical habitat simulation system. NBS, RSM, Internal Publication. 159 Pages.

Bowen, Z.H., S.P. Malvestuto, and J.H. Crance. 1994. Evaluation of the mussel fishery in Wheeler Reservoir, Tennessee River. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 9(4): 313-319.

Burkardt, N., B.L. Lamb, and T. Waddle. 1994. Technical understanding in successful environmental negotiations. Pages 694-697 in D.G. Fontane and H.N. Tuvel (eds.) Water Policy and Management: Solving Problems, Proceedings of the 21st annual Conference of Water Resources Planning and Management Division of American Society of Civil Engineers.

Chen, D.-X. Chen, M.B. Coughenour, D. R. Eberts, J.S. Thullen. 1994. "Interactive effects of CO2 enrichment and temperature on the growth of dioecious Hydrilla verticillata" . Environmental and Experimental Botany, Vol. 34, pp. 345-353, 1994.

Douglas, A.J. and R.L. Johnson. 1994. Drainage investment and wetlands loss: an analysis of the national resources inventory data. Journal of Environmental Management. 40:341-355.

Douglas, A. 1994. Wetland Loss Rates and Agricultural Drainage. Pps 545-548 in Water Policy and Management: Solving the Problems. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference ASCE.

Ekstrand, E. and R. Johnson. 1994. Water and Wildlife Enhancement with Land Retirement. Pps 541-544 in Water Policy and Management: Solving the Problems. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference ASCE.

Flug, M. 1994. Framework and status of the ASCE parks & recreation planning guide. Pages 187-195 in Marinas, Parks and Recreation Developments, Proceedings sponsored by the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean and the Urban Planning and Development Divisions/ASCE, Milwaukee, WI.

Freeman, B.J. and M.C. Freeman. 1994. Habitat use by an endangered riverine fish and implications for species protection. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 3: 49-58.

Horn, M.J., P.C. Marsh, G. Mueller, and T. Burke. 1994. Predation by Odonate nymphs on larval razorback sucker (Xyrauchyen texanus) under laboratory conditions. The Southwestern Naturalist 39:371-374.

Karunanithi, N., W.J. Grenney, D. Whitley, and K. Bovee. 1994. Neural Networks for River Flow Prediction. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 2. Pp 201-220.

Mueller, G., T. Burke, and M. Horn. 1994. A program to maintain the endangered razorback suckers in a highly modified riverine habitat. In Environmental Enhancement of Water Projects, pps. 77-85. Proceedings of the 1993 seminar, U.S.CID, Denver, CO.

Mueller, G., and C. Liston. 1994. An assessment of tire reefs for supplemental fish habitat in concrete-lined irrigation canals. In Environmental Enhancement of Water Projects, pps 125-138. USCID.

Mueller, G., and C.R. Liston. 1994. Evaluation of tire reefs for enhancing aquatic communities in concrete-lined canals. North American Journal of Fishery Management. 14:616-625.

Mueller, G. 1994. Interagency Work Group Attempts to Save Razorback Sucker in Lake Mohave. Colorado Plateau, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, Vol. 4., No. 2.

Milhous, R.T. 1994. Sediment balance and flushing flow analysis: Trinity River case study. Pages 281-292 in Proceedings of American Geophysical Union Fourteenth Annual Hydrology Days. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

Nelson, S.M. and D.C. Andersen. 1994. An assessment of riparian environmental quality by using butterflies and disturbance susceptibility scores. The Southwestern Naturalist. 39(2):137-142.

Nelson, S.M., G. Mueller, and D.C. Hemphill. 1994. Identification of tire leachate toxicants and a risk assessment of water quality effects using tire reefs in canals, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 52:574-581.

Sexton, N.R. 1994. Effects of section 404 permits on wetlands in North Dakota. National Biological Survey, Resource Publication 200.

Shafroth, P.B., M.L. Scott, and J.M. Friedman. 1994. Establishment, sex structure and breeding system of an exotic riparian willow, Salix rubens. American Midland Naturalist. 132:159-172.

Stalnaker, C.B. 1994. Restoration planning for the rivers of the Mississippi River ecosystem. Five Hundred and Two Pages, L.W. Hesse, C.B. Stalnaker, N.G. Benson, and J.R. Zuboy, eds., Biological Report 19.

Stalnaker, C.B. 1994. Evolution of instream flow habitat modeling. Pages 276-286 P. Calow and G.E. Petts in The Rivers Handbook, Hydrological and Ecological Principles, Volume Two.

Waddle T.J. 1994. Managing reservoir storage for fish production. Pages 49-53 in D.G. Fontane and H.N. Tuvel, eds., Water Policy and Management: Solving the Problems.

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Armour, C.A. 1993. Evaluating temperature regimes for protection of smallmouth bass. USDI Fish and Wildlife Service Resource Publication 191. 26 pp.

Armour, C.L. 1993. Evaluating temperature regimes for protection of walleye (Stizostedion vitreum). US Department of Interior Resource Publication 195. Washington, D.C. 23 pp.

Auble, G.T., and E.W. Bokman. 1993. Normal years in wetland delineation. Pages 730-734 in M.C. Landin, ed. Wetlands: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Society of Wetland Scientists, New Orleans, La. South Central Chapter, Society of Wetland Scientists, Utica, Miss.

Bartholow, J.M. 1993. Sensitivity of the USDI Fish and Wildlife Service's stream network temperature model. Pages 247-257 in H.J. Morel-Seytoux, ed., Proceedings of the 13th Anniversary American Geophysical Union Hydrology Days.

Bartholow, J.M., J.L. Laake, C.B Stalnaker, and S. Williamson. 1993. A salmonid population model with emphasis on habitat limitations. Rivers 4(4):265-279.

Coughlan, B.A.K., N. Burkardt, and D. Fulton. 1993. Assessing the need to negotiate in FERC licensing consultations: a study of two hydropower projects. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 13(6):331-351.

Douglas, A.J. and R.L. Johnson. 1993. Congestion and recreation site demand: a model of demand-induced quality effects. Journal of Environmental Management. 36:201-213.

Douglas, A.J. and R.L. Johnson. 1993. Instream flow assessment and economic valuation: a survey of nonmarket benefits research. International Journal of Environmental Studies. 43:89-104.

Douglas, A.J. and R.L. Johnson. 1993. Harvesting and replenishment policies for renewable natural resources. Journal of Environmental Management. 38:27-42.

Fisher, W.L. and M.E. Brown. 1993. A prepositioned areal electrofishing apparatus for sampling stream habitats. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 13:807-816.

Freeman, M.C. and J.H. Crance. 1993. Evaluating impacts of stream flow alteration on warmwater fishes. Pages. 303-305 in K.J. Hatcher ed., Proceedings of the 1993 Georgia Water Resources Conference. University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

Freeman, M.C. and G.D. Grossman. 1993. Effects of habitat availability on dispersion of a stream cyprinid. Environmental Biology of Fishes 37(2):121-130.

Harpman, A.A., E.W. Sparling, and T.J. Waddle. 1993. A Methodology for quantifying and valuing the impacts of flow changes on a fishery. Water Resources Research. 29(3):575-582.

Ischinger, L.S. 1993. Functions and values of western riparian ecosystems. Pages 711-714 in M.C. Landin, ed., Wetlands: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the Society of Wetland Scientists, New Orleans, LA. South Central Chapter, Society of Wetland Scientists, Utica, MS.

John, K., R.G. Walsh, and R.L. Johnson. 1993. An integrated model of human-wildlife interdependence. Ecological Economics 11 (1994). Pages 65-75.

Knight, J.G., and M.B. Bain. 1993. Ecological comparison of fishes in two temporarily inundated palustrine wetlands. Pages 590-602 in M.C. Landin, ed., Wetlands. South Central Chapter, Society of Wetland Scientists, Utica MS.

Lamb, B.L. 1993. The public trust doctrine: a tool to protect instream flows. River Voices Newsletter. Volume 3, Summer 1993.

Lamb, B.L. 1993. What Is A Traditional Use? Pps. 45-46 in Western Water Law and policy Implications for Wetland and Riparian Ecosystems. SWS Symposium Proceedings.

Lamb, B.L. and B.A.K. Coughlan. 1993. Legal considerations in inland fisheries management. Pages 77-101 in C. Kohler and W. Hubert eds., Inland Fisheries Management in North America. American Fishery Society, Bethesda, MD.

Lamb, B.L. 1993. Quantifying instream flows: matching policy and technology. Chapter 7, Pages 7/2-7/22 in L.J. MacDonnel and T.A. Rice eds., Instream Flow Protection in the West, Natural Resources Law Center, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.

Milhous, R.T., M. Wondzell, and A. Ritter. 1993. Streamflow and sediment dynamics of the middle Rio Grande, New Mexico, in the context of cottonwood establishment. 103 Pages.

Mueller, G. 1993. Pinging for fish. Lakeline. 24-26.

Mueller, G. 1993. Monitoring impacts on inland fisheries using hydroacoustics. Bureau of Reclamation Global Climate Change Response Program Series. 134 Pages.

Mueller, G., M. Horn, J. Kahl, T. Burke, and P. Marsh. 1993. Use of larval light traps to capture razorback sucker (Xyranchen texanus) in Lake Mohave. The Southwestern Naturalist. 38:399-402.

Scott, M.L., M.A. Wondzell, and G.T. Auble. 1993. Hydrograph characteristics relevant to the establishment and growth of western riparian vegetation. Pages 237-246 in H.J. Morel-Seytoux ed., Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual American Geophysical Union Hydrology Days. Hydrology Days Publications, Atherton, CA.

Scott, M.L., G.T. Auble, J.M. Friedman, L.S. Ischinger, E.D. Eggleston, M.S. Wondzell, P.B. Shafroth, J.T. Back, and M.S. Jordan. 1993. Flow recommendations for maintaining riparian vegetation along the Upper Missouri river, MT. 36 Pages.

Scott, M.L., G.T. Auble, and M.A. Wondzell. 1993. Hydrograph characteristics relevant to the establishment and growth of western riparian vegetation. Pages 237-246 in H.J. Morel-Seytoux, editor. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual American Geophysical Union Hydrology Days. Hydrology Days Publications, Atherton, CA.

Segelquist, C.A. 1993. Establishment of Populus deltoides under simulated alluvial groundwater declines. American Midland Naturalist. 130:274-285.

Sherk, G.W. and B.L. Lamb. 1993. Instream Flows According to the ASCE Model State Water Code in Proceeding of the Water Planning and Management Division ASCE.

Stalnaker, C.B. 1993. Fish habitat evaluation models in environmental assessments. Pages 140-162 in S.G. Hildebrand and J.B. Cannon eds., Environmental Analysis, The NEPA Experience.

Taylor, J.G. 1993. A Review. An instream flow recreation handbook. Rivers 4(2):156-159.

Taylor, J.G. and N. Burkardt. 1993. The greater Yellowstone ecosystem: biosphere reserves and economics. Society and Natural Resources: An International Journal. 6:105-108.

Taylor, J.G and J. Vining. 1993. Interdisciplinary interaction: crossing boundaries. Pages 180-186 in S.D. Wright, T. Dietz, R. Borden, G. Young, and G. Guagnano, editors. Human Ecology: Crossing Boundaries.

Thomas, J.A. and K.D. Bovee. 1993. Application and testing of a procedure to evaluate transferability of habitat suitability criteria. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management. 8:285-294.

Waddle, T.J. 1993. A methodology for quantifying and valuing the impacts of flow changes on a fishery. Water Resources Research 20(3): 575-582.

Waddle, T.J. 1993. Managing reservoir storage for instream flow. Pages 79-82 in K. Hon ed., American Society of Civil Engineers Water Resources Planning and Management Division Conference Proceedings.

Williamson, S.C., J.M. Bartholow, and C.B. Stalnaker. 1993. Conceptual model for quantifying pre-smolt production from flow-dependent physical habitat and water temperature. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 8:15-28.

Williamson, S.C. 1993. Cumulative impacts assessment and management planning: lessons learned to date. Pages 391-407 in S.G. Hildebrand and J.B. Cannon ed., Environmental Analysis: The NEPA experience. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.

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ASCE Task Committee on Sediment Transport and Aquatic Habitats. 1992. Sediment and aquatic habitat in river systems. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 118:669-687.

Bingham, J.L., and G.A. Gould. 1992. Opportunities to protect instream flows and wetland uses of water in Nevada. USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, Resource Publication 189. 33 pages.

Bullard, T.F., and S.G. Wells. 1992. Hydrology of the middle Rio Grande from Velarde to Elephant Butte, New Mexico. USDI Fish and Wildlife Service Resource Publication 179. 51 pages.

Busch, D., R. Osborn, and G.T. Auble. 1992. The effects of water levels on two Lake Ontario wetlands. Pages 92-96 in J. Kusler and R. Smardon, eds., Wetlands of the Great Lakes. Association of State Wetland Managers, Berne, NY.

Coughlan, B.K.A., and C.L. Armour. 1992. Group decision-making techniques for natural resource management applications. Resource Publication 185. 55 pages.

Hunsaker, C. and S.C. Williamson. 1992. Techniques for assessing cumulative impacts. Pages 49-51 in Making Decisions on Cumulative Environmental Impacts: A Conceptual Framework. World Wildlife Fund, Washington, D.C.

Lamb, B.L. 1992. Accommodating, balancing, and bargaining in hydropower licensing. Resource Law Notes. 25(Spring): 5-10. Natural Resources Law Center, University of Colorado School of Law, Boulder, CO.

Lamb, B.L. and E. Lord. 1992. Legal mechanisms for protecting riparian resource values. Water Resources Research. 28(4):965-971.

Lamb, B.L. 1992. Book review of water resources management: in search of an environmental ethic by David Lewis Feldman. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press. The Environmental Professional. 14(4):371-373.

Milhous, R.T. 1992. A note on sediment, hydrology, and cottonwood in the middle Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico. Pages 181-188 in Proceedings 1992, Colorado Water Engineering and Management Conference, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

Milhous, R.T. 1992. Determining the minimum instream flow for hydro peaking projects. Hydro Review 11(6):67-74.

Milhous, R.T. 1992. Water and sediment in the middle Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico: use of a sediment transport capacity index. Pages 67-80 in Proceedings: 1992 Front Range Hydrology Days.

Milhous, R.T. 1992. Is an instream need a beneficial use? Pages 368-373 in M. Karamouz ed., Water Resources Planning and Management: Saving a Threatened Resource - In Search of Solutions. American Society of Civil Engineers.

Milhous, R.T., I. Johnson, Y. Souchon, and S. Valentin. 1992. Habitat simulation in the United States, Britain, and France. Pages 363-367 in M. Karamouz ed., Water Resources Planning and Management: Saving a Threatened Resource - In Search of Solutions. American Society of Civil Engineers.

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