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Recommended Online Databases

AGRICOLA, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Choice of journal articles database or books at the National Agricultural Library.

Aquatic Plant and Invasive Plant Database
Access to the database is under "Service and Products" on the home page for the Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants. Passwords change periodically but the new password is posted on the home page.

DOE Information Bridge
Advanced and Easy Search access to the Dept. of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information technical reports in full text.

Bibliographic database with verified citations on all aspects of wetlands and waterfowl. Search the Quick Search feature or Indexed field using the first word of the keyword, author, journal title, or year. The Non-Indexed field in the Advanced Search uses words from title, notes, or abstract.

Energy and Environmental - Information Resources Center
Digital library of data and information with a focus on coastal Louisiana.

EPA Publications Database
Bibliographic information and many publications available in full text.

Fire Effects Information System (FEIS)
The FEIS database contains synoptic descriptions, taken from current English-language literature of almost 900 plants species, about 100 animal species, and 16 Kuchler plant communities found on the North American continent. The emphasis of each synopsis is fire and how it affects each species. Background information on taxonomy, distribution, basic biology and ecology of each species is also included. Synopses are thoroughly documented, and each contains a complete bibliography.

Fish and Wildlife Reference Service
Six databases offered by the Fish and Wildlife Reference Service: FWRS Bibliographic Database; Survey/Inventory Database Habitat Conservation Plans; Database; Black Bass Database Boating Access Database; Clean Vessel Act Database

Forest Service Publications, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Provides access to publications of each unit of the Forest Service. Many units make the full text of all publications available.

Galveston Bay Bibliography
Searchable database of publications collected by the Galveston Bay Information Network; all of the publications are available on loan.

Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)
Federally recognized name of each feature described in the data base is identified, and references are made to a feature's location by State, county, and geographic coordinates. Data for the United States and Territories only.

Index to 17,000 multidisciplinary journals. Allows searching by word(s) in title or author; or browse the table of contents of a journal.

Integrated Taxonomic Information System
Reference authority for scientific names used in NWRC center publications.

Louisiana Library Connection Databases
Databases available to patrons of Louisiana public libraries. Need a public library card number. Provides access to general information, newspaper indexes (includes The Advocate and Times-Picayune), Health sources, and reference materials in full text.

Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications (MOCAT)
Information products available through the Government Printing Office published since 1994. Provides access to the depository library holding each item, price, and location of GPO bookstores.

National Biological Information Infrastructure Metadata Clearinghouse
Clearinghouse of geospatial and non-geospatial biological metadata and data.

National Marine Fisheries Service
This address for the NMFS publications page contains contents of the Fishery Bulletin and Marine Fisheries Review plus a listing of the Technical Reports. Information on ordering publications is included.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
Information products in all formats from Federal agencies available for purchase. The database indexes the titles of Federal technical reports added since 1990.

Natural Resource Bibliography and Thesaurus (National Park Service)
All materials with natural resources information related to the national parks.

New York Botanical Garden Library
Electronic index of the reprint collection held by the library. The collection scope is ecology, taxonomy,general botany, economic botany, and morphology from 1996 to the present.

The PLANTS Database includes names, checklists, identification information, species abstracts, distribution data, crop information, plant symbols, plant growth data, plant materials information, plant links, references, invasive species, endangered and threatened species, and plant photos.

Bibliographic citations in the physical sciences from selected publishers and the DOE Energy Files.The Archive file contains literature move than 10 years old.

Sea Grant Publications
Go to the "Search the Database" button on this page for bibliographic information on aquaculture, seafood, fisheries, marine flora and fauna. Many publications are now available in full text from the Digital Library, available on the same page.

Selected Water Resources Abstracts
The database was compiled from several sources and contains a collection of published USGS abstracts on the subject of water resources since 1971.

Tall Timbers Research Station (Tallahassee Florida) Fire Ecology Database
Online database uses Procite as the database with a web interface. The NWRC library has the conference proceedings and many of the papers in the database.

Universities Water Information Network
This database is a collection of international water research compiled by the Water Resources Scientific Information Center (WRSIC) of the USGS. The research abstracted in this database covers a wide variety of topics that span the time period from 1967 to October, 1993.

University of Louisiana at Lafayette Dupre Library Reference and Bibliographic Databases
A wide collection of subject specific databases. Some require a logon password available only to ULL accounts.

US Army Corps of Engineers Library Information
Includes the Library catalog, link to all ACOE catalogs, and full text of many publications.

US Global Change Research Information Office
Offers a combination of six bibliographic and data databases on global change.

USGS BRD Publications
Metawebber--metadata with abstracts for BRD publications in a searchable database.

USGS BRD Scientific Information System (SIS)
The USGS Biological Resources Division, Science Information System (SIS) provides access to ongoing biological scientific research at the project level. 2000 entries describe efforts conducted by the USGS Biological Resources Division.

USGS Leetown Science Center Library Online Catalog (Leetown, West Virginia)
Collection of the Leetown library and branches; focus is on aquaculture and fish health.

USGS Library (Reston, Virginia)
Collection of five USGS libraries--Geologic Division and one Water Resources Division library. Includes a listing of databases and library services available to USGS staff.

USGS National Water Quality Assessment Bibliography
Reports from the NAWQA study units and updated quarterly.

USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Library (Jamestown, North Dakota)
Library catalog and databases maintained by the library; the collection focuses on waterfowl and ecology.

USGS Publications
USGS Publications produced from the GeoRef database. Links to publication databases for all divisions.

USGS NWRC Publications List
Publications from research done at NWRC or sponsored by the Center; data may be searched and limited by author, series, title, source, and year. Quick Search and Indexed Field search includes keyword, author, journal title, or year; search only by first word in keyword phrases. Advanced Search Non-Indexed Field inlcudes title, abstract, or notes field.

USGS NWRC Library Catalog (Lafayette, Louisiana)
Materials in the library database. Includes videotapes, audio tapes, maps, software, Internet resources, books, and journals. There are direct links to online publications from the database.

USGS Publications online
Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey..

Water Data Storage and Retrieval System (WATSTORE)
Files are maintained for the storage of (1) surface-water, quality-of-water, and ground-water data measured daily or more frequently, (2) annual peak values and peaks above a base flow for stream flow stations, (3) chemical analyses for surface- and ground-water sites, (4) geologic and inventory data for ground- water sites, and (5) water use summary data.

This document prepared by the National Wetlands Research Center
Last Modified: 6/1/2004 (SBH)