
United States Department of Agriculture
Research, Education and Economics



Title: Foreign Travel Procedures Reminder
Number: 02-309
Date: July 30, 2002
Originating Office: Travel and Relocation Services Branch, Financial
Management Division, AFM/ARS
Distribution: All REE Employees
Expires: July 30, 2003


This bulletin is issued to remind all REE employees of the procedures for travel to a foreign country.

This bulletin is to remind REE employees of the protocol for obtaining an official passport, visa, and country clearance for official foreign travel. The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) is responsible for foreign travel policy for the Department of Agriculture and the International Travel Section (ITS). FAS is responsible for obtaining all necessary visas and official passports for foreign travel, as set forth in Agriculture Travel Regulation, Chapter 301, Part 301-18.4, Foreign Travel. Administrative and Financial Management (AFM), Financial Management Division (FMD), Travel and Relocation Services Branch (TRSB) is responsible for the implementation of new regulations and policies within REE and serves as the point of contact with ITS for the ARS Headquarters, Area offices and CSREES. The foreign travel coordinator for NASS is Michele Sykes and the coordinator for ERS is Beverly Payton.

All requests for official passports, renewal of passports, visas, and country clearances are to be processed through your designated travel office. If the country(s) being visited require country clearance you must obtain the country clearance before departing on travel. Note: Employees shall not contact the State Department to obtain an official passport or the Embassy to obtain their own visa.

Since REE implemented a pilot test (1996) with FAS to allow retention of official passports at agency central offices/locations, we have had great success. However, to ensure that this process continues, please make sure that all policies and procedures established for travel to a foreign country are met.

If you have questions pertaining to the requirements of a country, contact your designated travel office. If you have questions pertaining to this bulletin you may contact Linda E. Mahoney, Chief, Travel and Relocation Services Branch, ARS/AFM.

- /Sd/-

Financial Management Division, ARS/AFM