United States Department of Agriculture
Research, Education and Economics



Title: Removing Personal Property from the Beltsville Office Facility (BOF)
Number: 98-201
Date: 5/29/98
Originating Office: Procurement and Property Division, Procurement and Property Branch, AFM/ARS
Distribution: All employees located in BOF
Expires: Remains in effect until further notification



This bulletin is to advise employees of the procedures for removing personal property from BOF.

Change dated 2/16/99:
Removed name Richard Buchanan from  AFM, FD on Page 4



1.    Background

Departmental Regulations (DR 2500-1) require agencies to record and approve the removal of personal property from USDA facilities by completing form AD-873, Property Pass. This includes Government property, commercial property, and an employee's personal property if similar to government property. Also, agencies must designate individuals who are authorized to approve property passes. A list of these names and signatures are kept on file at each Security Guard Station (See Exhibit 1). This bulletin establishes the procedures for completing property passes when removing personal property from BOF.

2.    Procedures

Form AD-873

Effective June 1, 1998, employees are required to show form AD-873 before removing personal property from BOF. Employees must provide the following information to their division's property pass issuing officer: (See Exhibit 2 for sample of completed form AD-873)

The property pass issuing officer ensures the information is correct, signs the pass, and distributes as follows:

White Copy (original). Gives this copy to pass holder who must present it to the security guard when leaving the building.
 Green Copy.   Forwards this copy to the Personal Property Group (PPG), Procurement and Property Branch, PPD, who is the REE property officer.
Yellow Copy.  Retains this copy for files and until property is returned.


Property Pass Memorandum

Employees who remove the same laptop computers or other equipment on a regular basis can request that their division's property pass issuing officer prepare a memorandum to Physical Security instead of completing form AD-873. This memorandum is valid for up to 1 year and can be renewed after it expires. (See Exhibit 3 for sample memorandum). Physical Security will keep a copy of the memorandum on file at the security guard station. However, the employee must also have a copy to show to the security guard when leaving the building. The security guard will verify the serial numbers and then the employee can remove the item from the building.

Same-Day Property Removal Log

Employees or outside individuals who bring in personal property when entering BOF can request that the security guard log in the item on the “same-day property log.” When leaving the building, the security guard will verify the serial numbers and the individual may remove the property without having to complete form AD-873. However, this is only when you bring in property that you will remove the same day. This is helpful with commercial property from visiting vendors, etc.

3.    Updating Property Pass Issuing Authority List

Division directors must notify PPG, via E-mail or memorandum, to make changes to your property pass issuing authority list. When removing someone from the list you only need to specify their name. However, when adding an individual, please include the following information:

PPG will prepare the property pass issuing authority list and forward to the individual for signature and return. PPG will forward to Physical Security for distribution.


Procurement and Property Division

1    List of Designated Individuals Authorized to Approve Property Passes
2    Completed Form AD-873, Property Pass
3    Sample Property Pass Memorandum




(BOF) AS OF 6/1/98 **

AFM, Extramural Agreements Division
Perry, Deadra            
Young, David L.        

AFM, Facilities Division
Reilly, Edward        
Roark, Terry            
Welker, Louis S.        

AFM, Financial Management Division
Aldrich, Stacy        
Arnold, Marcellus        
Potok, Charlie        

AFM, Human Resources Division
Fleming, Clarice        
Moorman, Twila        

AFM, Information Technology Division
Anderson, Keith        
Chab, Dave            
Howell, Tom            
Rich, Gary            
Simpson, Linda        
Webber, Kirk            
Wilson, Greg  
AFM, Property & Procurement Division
Carter, Jody            
Irwin, Richard G.        
Riordan, Anne
Administrator and Immediate Staffs
Cofske, Sharon            
Domingo, Damilo        
Herberger, Valerie        
McGarvey, Patricia        
Roberts, Jennifer    

International Research Programs
Phelps, Heather        
Shands, Henry        

National Program Staff
Clevenger, Sandra        
Cline, Janet            
Elston, Brenda
Rieland, Scott

** This list is current as of 2/16/99. List is subject to change as individuals are added or removed. List is updated annually or when required by Physical Security.         



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June 5, 1998

SUBJECT:    Equipment Removal

    TO:    Physical Security
        Beltsville Office Facility (BOF)

FROM:    Robert L. Miller, Chief
        Policy Branch
        Human Resources Division

Ms. Sandra Jones will be removing the following items from the BOF on a regular basis. Please grant this request for one year from receipt of this memorandum.

    Toshiba Printer - Serial No. 459JZK

    Toshiba Laptop Computer - Serial No. AB486

Ms. Jones can be reached on 301-504-1234.

S. Jones, HRD