United States Department of Agriculture
Research, Education and Economics



Title: Transfer of FY 1999 Revocable Permit and Easement Proceeds from U.S. Treasury Miscellaneous Receipts into ARS Accounts
Number: 99-306
Date: 9/7/99
Originating Office: Systems, Analysis, and Policy Branch, Financial Management Division, ARS/AFM
Distribution: Director, FD; Area Administrative Officers; Administrative Manager, NAL; Area Budget and Fiscal Officers
Expires: 9/30/99



This Bulletin is a supplement to Bulletin 99-250, July 2, 1999, entitled, “Collection and Use of Fees for Revocable Permits and Easements.” This Bulletin provides instructions for transferring
FY 1999 revocable permit and easement proceeds from U.S. Treasury miscellaneous receipts into ARS accounting codes.


This Bulletin is a supplement to Bulletin 99-250 (July 2, 1999) that was issued to provide instructions for collection and Agency use of fees for revocable permits and easements authorized under the FY 1999 Appropriations Act. This Bulletin provides instructions for transferring proceeds, initially deposited into U.S. Treasury miscellaneous receipts, into ARS accounting codes as authorized under the Act.

Area Budget and Fiscal Officers will:

The Head, NFC-RS#4, will:

If you have any questions, please contact Bruce Lee on 301-504-1297 or Ella Robertson on


S. M. Helmrich
Financial Management Division