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Welcome to Aeronautical Systems Center's Office of Public Affairs and Strategic 
Communication's (ASC/PA) Information Site.  Our
mission is to garner and build informed public respect and support for the United States Air Force's acquisition community and its capabilities.  This site is dedicated to providing Air Force personnel and the public with information about what is going on at ASC, and to provide access to, and awareness of, other sources of Air Force and Department of Defense information.

For more information on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, visit:

Headquarters Air Force Materiel Command

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

88th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

Recent News:  New B-52 Office.
The B-52 Stratofortress, the backbone of the United States' manned strategic bomber 
     fleet for more than 40 years, will soon be making additional contributions to the G
     War on Ter
rorism thanks to a new development system office here. 
read the whole story)

Information and services available through ASC/PA:

This Government Computer System is provided as a public service by the Aeronautical Systems Center Office of Public Affairs at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. It is intended to be used by the public for viewing and retrieving information only. Unauthorized attempts to upload information or change information on this service are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986. Unless otherwise indicated all information on this system is considered public information and may be distributed or copied.

The use of links to organizations, agencies or businesses outside of the United States Air Force do not imply endorsement by the Air Force, Aeronautical Systems Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base or the public affairs office.

This web server is owned and operated by 88 CG

This web server is owned and operated by 88 CG/SCQCS
These pages are managed by:
1865 Fourth St., Room 240
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433
Content Owner:  Lt. Col. Anne Morris
Page Master/Data Maintainer:  2Lt. David Cromwell

Contact Base Information at (937) 257-1110

Last modified:  October 12, 2004
