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Get An AARTS Web Transcript

About The AARTS Transcript

AARTS Eligibility

Ordering A Transcript

AARTS Transcript Request Form

Alternatives To AARTS

Data Base Updates

Frequently Asked Questions

Correcting Your Transcript

AARTS Fact Sheet

Related Links/Referrals


Email AARTS concerning your transcript (please use "Transcript" in the subject line) or call us at:
(Toll Free) 1-866-297-4427,
Commercial (913) 684-3269,
or DSN 552-3269


This page last modified 12 June 2003


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dot What benefit is an AARTS transcript?

  • Saves time and money:  Based on a survey conducted by the American Council on Education (ACE), the average number of academic credits awarded from an AARTS transcript for 1998 was 14 semester hours. This saves tuition dollars and classroom time.
  • Provides a description of military schooling and work history in civilian language.
  • Serves as a counseling tool for academic and career counselors in advising soldiers and veterans.
  • Serves as an aid in preparing resumes and explaining Army work experience to civilian employers.


dot How much does an AARTS transcript cost?
The AARTS transcript is provided free of charge.


dot How long does it take to get an AARTS transcript?
AARTS processes transcript requests on a daily basis.  We have a 24 hour turn-around time. The requests are entered into our data base on the day they are received and normally mailed out by the following working day.  Transcripts requiring research take a little longer to process.


dotHow often should I request an AARTS transcript?
We recommend that you review your transcript at least once a year unless you have recently experienced some type of change (promotion, course completion, etc.) in which case you should wait two months from the date of change and then request an updated transcript. You can also review your web transcript for updates and accuracy.


dot Should I send a copy of my college transcript to AARTS?
No.  Civilian Education Level is no longer displayed on the AARTS transcript and college courses are not included therefore we have no need for your college transcript.


dot Will my training and experience while I was enlisted with other services (i.e., Air Force, Navy, Marines) be included on my AARTS transcript?
Unfortunately, no. The reason is that other services do not report information to the AARTS data base. You can receive credit for time with other services by supplementing your AARTS transcript with a DD Form 295 (Application for the Evaluation of Learning Experiences During Military Service) or DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge From Active Duty). Contact your Education Center or the Veteran Affairs Office at your college for more information. You may also refer to our alternatives page for more information.


dot Why does my course/MOS say "PENDING EVALUATION?"  When will it be evaluated?
All course and MOS evaluations are provided by ACE. When new courses/MOSs are created by the Army, ACE needs time to evaluate them. The same is true for existing courses/MOSs that experience significant changes. The amount of time required is dependent upon the timely submission of documents by the Army to ACE for their evaluation. Please refer to the "Other Learning Experiences" section of your transcript for further clarification. You can also visit the ACE web site for more information.


dot I took an Army course two years ago.  Why isn't it on my transcript?
All course information is sent to AARTS by the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) on a monthly basis. Each individual school is responsible for annotating the ATRRS system when a soldier graduates from a course. If the annotation is not made prior to the information being sent to AARTS, the course does not get reported to our data base since only "graduate" information is sent. This is why it takes two months for course information to show up on your AARTS transcript. We allow 30 days for schools to mark all graduates on the ATRRS system before requesting the information be sent to the AARTS data base. If you are missing a course you completed more than two months ago, please refer to our corrections page to see how to add it to your transcript.


dot Why isn't my correspondence course evaluated?
Most correspondence courses are not evaluated by ACE because they do not have a proctored end-of-course exam. Whether or not your institution will award credit for a correspondence course is up to them. You can, however, obtain a transcript from the Correspondence School to supplement your AARTS transcript.


dot How do I get my correspondence courses added to my transcript?
Correspondence courses are only added to AARTS transcripts if they are reported through the Army Training Requirements and Resources  System (ATRRS). The AARTS staff does not manually add correspondence courses. Correspondence courses are now reported on a monthly basis so you should see them on your transcript two months after completion of the course if they were reported through ATRRS.


dot How do I get my name changed on my transcript?
The AARTS staff does not make manual name changes. Name changes are reported to us automatically from Human Resources Command (HRC), NGB and USAR sources. It takes approximately two months for the updated information to reach our data base. We cannot change your name after you have left the army. Once you separate from service, your record is considered closed and no further updates will be made.