Logo of the words Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Centralized Resumix?
A: Centralized Resumix is a consolidated database of resumes. It is used to store applicant resumes and allows applicants to apply for army vacancies through a quick "self-nomination" process.

Q: Aren't Resume Builder, RESUMIX, and ANSWER all the same thing?
A: No, they are distinctly different things used for different purposes, and sometimes in different physical locations.

   Resume Builder is a tool for your personal use in creating and sending out resumes. No one sees your record there but you. If you do no send it out, it is comparable to building a resume with your word processor and saving it to your own computer - no one will see it if you do not send it somewhere.

  RESUMIX is the database of received resumes in the central RESUMIX database. RESUMIX is not a verb. You do not "RESUMIX", you send a resume or a self-nomination to be entered into the Resumix database.

  ANSWER is a "view" into the RESUMIX database, allowing you to review the status of your record there, i.e., resume, self-nominations, status, etc. An individual Userid/PIN are required to access the system.

Q: How many resumes may I have on file at one time?
A: There can only be one resume on file per person at any given time in the Centralized Resumix database. When you submit an updated resume, your previous resume will be replaced. The new resume does not delete any history, notes, or self-nominations you may already have on file.

Q: If I do not have a resume in the Centralized Resumix database, how do I prepare a resume?
A: The Army Civilian Resume Builder is the preferred method for preparing your resume and supplemental data sheet for submission to any Army Resumix database. The use of the Army Resume Builder ensures that your resume is developed in a uniform manner and conforms to the proper format for processing. It is also the most efficient way to get your resume into the Central Resumix database.

Q: How do I find the Army Resume Builder?
A: The Army Resume Builder can be accessed through the Army Home Page at http://cpol.army.mil/. Click on Employment, then Resume Builder.

Q: How do I get assistance resetting my Resume Builder password?
A: Automated Resume Builder Userid and Personal Identification Number (PIN) help is available at: https://cpolst.belvoir.army.mil/rb/rb_get_uid_pin.cgi If you enter your SSN and an e-mail address that matches the one in your resume, you will be e-mailed an automatic reply with your Userid and PIN. If the e-mail address does not match, it will generate a message to a queue and you will receive a manual e-mail response with your Userid and PIN in about a day.

Q: What if e-mail is down, or the web site is unavailable?
A: There are times when the Army Civilian Resume Builder or Vacancy Announcement Board may be unavailable. However, this should not prevent you from preparing and submitting a resume with the required supplemental data. We encourage you to submit your resume now so it is in the database and ready for consideration when a position you're interested in is announced. You should use the hardcopy submission only as a last resort. Plan ahead! Do not wait until a position is announced. Prepare and submit your resume with the required supplemental data today! Likewise - don't wait until the closing date of the announcement to submit your resume or self-nomination.

Q: I spent hours creating my resume and when I saved it to the database, nothing happened. What was wrong?
A: If you use an Internet Service Provider (ISP) who will disconnect you for an extended period of inactivity, you need to save your resume as you work on it, and then return to edit it until you have finished. Remember that your ISP sees all that time you are spending filling out the form as inactivity. Unless you are actually submitting data over the network, your ISP does not know what you are doing, and if they are inclined to disconnect you, they will!

Q: Why do I get an Oracle error when I try to self nominate, create or edit my resume or try to find vacancy announcements?
A: The databases are taken down for maintenance about a weekend a month. Notices are always posted in a pop-up window on the CPOL home page at least a week prior to the scheduled downtime. If you get this type of error, check the CPOL home page for such a notice.

Q: Is it necessary to send Supplemental Data with my resume?
A: Yes. If you do not submit the Supplemental Data, or the Supplemental Data is incomplete, your resume will not be processed.

Q: Is Supplemental Data included in the three-page maximum limit on my resume?
A: No. The Supplemental Data is in addition to your three-page resume.

Q: Should I submit my DD214 or college transcripts with my resume?
A: No. Supporting documentation is not needed when you submit your resume unless specifically required by the announcement. If you are selected for a position where supporting documentation is needed, you will be asked to provide it within 5 working days from notification of selection.

Q: How do you determine my qualifications for a position without supporting documentation?
A: The information in your resume and supplemental data are used to determine whether your resume will be forwarded to the selecting official for consideration. Your resume should include the necessary experience, education, and training that will qualify you for positions for which you have self-nominated.

Q: So I shouldn't submit a resume each time I want to apply for a position?
A: You should submit only one resume with the required supplemental data. When you self-nominate for a position, this one resume will be used to determine your qualifications and eligibility for the position for which you are considered. It is not necessary to submit multiple resumes.

Q: What is a self-nomination?
A: After you have a resume on file, you will submit self-nominations to indicate your interest in announced positions. Each time you wish to "apply" for a position, you will submit a self-nomination. The self-nomination contains information related to the position you are applying for (announcement number, position title, series, and grade). In addition, it contains your name and Social Security Number that are used to match the self-nomination to your resume.

Q: How do I prepare a self-nomination?
A: The preferred method for preparing your self-nomination is on-line by clicking on the self-nomination button in the vacancy announcement located in the Army's Vacancy Announcement Board at http://cpol.army.mil/ (Click on Army's Vacancy Announcements).
Note: Army Vacancy Announcements close at 12am (midnight) Eastern Standard Time.

Q: How will I know if my resume or self-nomination has been received?
A: Resumes and self-nominations submitted through http://cpol.army.mil/ will receive an on-line confirmation. Resumes and self-nominations sent by email with the word "Resume" or Self Nomination" in the subject line will trigger an automatic acknowledgment to the sender of the email. The acknowledgment lets the sender know the resume or self-nomination has been received. Status of your resume and self-nomination can be reviewed in ANSWER. Please ensure self-nominations are received by 12am (midnight) Eastern Standard Time in order to receive consideration

Q: Why don't I see my self-nominations in my "review resume activity summary" in the Resume Builder?
A: You will not see self-nominations in the 'review resume activity summary' because your resume does not go with a self-nomination. Sending a resume from the Resume Builder is one event. Sending a self-nomination merely sends a "note" to use the resume you already have on file and consider it for a specific vacancy announcement.

Q: How long does it take to process a resume?
A: Resumes are normally processed within 3-5 working days following receipt. If you sent your resume from the Army Civilian Resume Builder into the Centralized Resumix database, your resume will be processed immediately. You will receive an on-line confirmation that your resume has been added to the database.

Q: How long does it take to process a self-nomination?
A: If your resume has already been processed into the Centralized RESUMIX database, and you submit your self-nomination electronically from the Vacancy Announcement Board, your self-nomination will be posted immediately to your resume record. Otherwise, the self-nomination form will be processed manually. The manual process can take up to 5 working days. If a properly prepared resume with required supplemental data has not been received on or before the cutoff or closing date of the announcement, you will not be considered for the vacancy.

Q: How will I know if there is a problem with my resume or self-nomination?
A: If you have submitted your resume or self-nomination to the Central Resumix database you should check ANSWER for the status. You will see if your resume and/or self-nomination have been accepted or the reason it was not accepted. The best way to be sure your resume and self-nomination information is current is to check ANSWER.

Q: How will I know if my resume or self-nomination was processed?
A: To determine if your resume has been processed, or to view the resume you currently have on file in the RESUMIX database, you may access ANSWER.

Q: How can I check on the status of a resume and/or self-nomination I submitted through The Army Civilian Resume Builder?
A: You may check the status through our system called ANSWER - Army Notification System Web Enabled Response System that will be used Army-wide when the regional resume databases are centralized.

Q: What is ANSWER?
A: ANSWER is the Army Notification System Web Enabled Response System and is designed to allow you to obtain information on the status of your resume. You can review your Resume Status, Referral Preferences, Jobs Applied and View your Resume and Supplemental Data.

Q: How do I access ANSWER?
   New User: If you have not previously created a Userid and Password in the Army Civilian Resume Builder or ANSWER you will click on the New User link and follow the instructions for creating your Login for ANSWER.
   Repeat User: Input your Army Civilian Resume Builder Userid and Password, or the Userid and Password you previously created in ANSWER.
   If you have a Resume Builder account and cannot remember your Userid and PIN, automated help is available at: https://cpolst.belvoir.army.mil/rb/rb_get_uid_pin.cgi
   If you enter your SSN and an e-mail address that matches the one in your resume, you will be e-mailed an automatic reply with your Userid and PIN. If the e-mail address does not match, it will generate a message to a queue and you will receive a manual e-mail response with your Userid and PIN in about a day.
   NOTE: When you create a new resume in the Army Civilian Resume Builder, at a minimum enter your name and email address in the resume before you save it to the database.

Q: Can't I just use my old ROAR/SOARS password to get into ANSWER?
A: No. The Userid and password you use for ROAR/SOARS cannot be used to access ANSWER. ANSWER requires a different Userid/PIN from those you created for ROAR/SOARS. However, ANSWER and the Army Civilian Resume Builder share the same Userid/PIN.

Q: When is ANSWER updated?
A: ANSWER pulls directly from the Resumix database and displays the information as soon as it is updated in Resumix.

Q: When I submit my resume, will I be automatically considered for positions where I qualify?
A: No, submission of a resume does not automatically entitle you to consideration for positions. In order to be considered you must submit a self-nomination for positions you are interested in. When you see an announcement posted on http://cpol.army.mil/ and you are interested in applying for it, simply click on the self-nomination button, complete the self-nomination information and submit. You must complete one self-nomination for each position you are interested in. For you to be considered for the position, we must have received your properly prepared resume with supplemental data and a self-nomination form on or before the closing or cut-off date of the announcement. Qualifications are then determined on a case by case basis.

Q: How long is my resume kept on file?
   1) If you are a CURRENT PERMANENT Army employee, your resume will be kept on file until you retire, resign, are separated for any reason, provide false information, or request removal from the database. Additionally, if you accept a permanent position offered through a Resumix referral, your resume is automatically deactivated.
   2) Resumes from Army applicants who are on temporary or other time limited appointments and those who are external to the Army are kept on file for one year from the date they last self-nominated

Q: When should I update my resume?
A: There are four important events that would cause you to update your resume:
   1) A change in position or duties such as a promotion, reassignment, detail or work schedule.
   2) A change in your personal information: Name, Phone and Address.
   3) A change in your training and/or educational courses or degree programs.
   4) Your resume will automatically be deactivated when you have accepted a permanent or temporary position offered through a Resumix referral. Once you are again available for consideration, you MUST submit a new resume at that time.

Q: How can I change or update my resume?
A: You must submit a new resume with the changed/updated information. If you prepared and submitted your resume through the Army Civilian Resume Builder, log on to the Army Home Page at http://cpol.army.mil/, click on Employment then Army's Resume Builder. You will then select Edit existing resume from the menu. You will have to log into the system using your Userid and PIN. Once you enter the Userid and your existing resume will be retrieved from the database and you can edit any or all of the information.   DON'T FORGET TO SAVE CHANGES. Once you have completed this step you will then be prompted to send your resume to a specific CPOC. If you did not use the Army Civilian Resume Builder, you can send the updated/changed resume by e-mail (not as an attachment) to any of the Army Resumix databases. The Army Civilian Resume Builder is the recommended method for preparing and submitting resumes.

Q: Does the Resumix system actually do all the rating, ranking and referral?
A: No. The staffing specialist in the Civilian Personnel Operations Center enters criteria into Resumix and identifies those individuals who have documented that they possess the skills necessary to successfully perform the duties of the position. Resumix produces a list of names in score order (the number of skills they possess that were identified for the position) of those applicants who self-nominated. This score may be used as a tool by a staffing specialist in the Civilian Personnel Operations Center (CPOC) to determine which applicants may or may not be referred. Resumix is simply a software tool used to assist in the recruitment and referral processes. Managers, Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC), and Civilian Personnel Operations Center specialists all work together to establish sound recruitment strategy and criteria to produce the best list of qualified candidates. The staffing specialist at the CPOC is still responsible for determining the qualifications of the selected candidate.

Q: May I get a copy of my resume after I submit it?
A: No. Applicants should keep a copy of the resume they submitted for their personal use. You may also retrieve a copy of your resume from ANSWER. Or, you may send (e-mail) yourself a copy of the resume you have stored in the Army Civilian Resume Builder.

Q: Whom should I contact when I have questions about RESUMIX?
A: You may contact your servicing Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC), or the CPAC who services the organization where the vacancy you are interested in applying is.

Q: I am a former Federal employee and need to obtain copies of my personnel actions. Who should I contact to get these copies?
A: Civilian personnel files of former Federal employees are stored at the National Personnel Records Center for Civilian Records. Contact information and instructions on how to request records are at http://www.archives.gov/. Since all requests for records must have a signature, we cannot forward email requests to them.