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Significant Good news!

The Army has centralized its automated referral system
Initial Phase of the Resumix Centralization Transition is Complete.

Army has consolidated all the resumes maintained by the Civilian Personnel Operations Centers into one central database. This consolidation was completed in June 2003. Please read the information below to find out what this means to you as an applicant:

One resume will be on file for all regions. There is no need to submit a new resume if you have one on file.

Resumes submitted through the Army Civilian Resume Builder (http://cpol.army.mil/ click on Employment, then Army's Resume Builder) will automatically flow into the centralized referral database. This is the fastest way to get a resume into the centralized referral database. If you are applying through the Army Civilian Resume Builder, you no longer need to select the individual CPOC(s). To send your resume, click on the "Central Database" button and your resume will be available to all CPOC's.

Applicants will submit a new resume after they have accepted a permanent position. This does not apply to temporary promotions or temporary reassignments.

ANSWER (from http://cpol.army.mil/, click on Employment, then ANSWER) will be the method for applicant notification. It is the best way to review your most recent resume on file.

For more information about this topic, please go to our Frequently Asked Questions link at http://cpol.army.mil/employ/faq_resumix.html