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Energy Team
International Trade Administration

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Office of Energy home

The Office of Energy of the U.S. Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration monitors trade policy issues and develops interagency strategies to remove foreign trade barriers; leads bilateral and commercial energy working group activities with key foreign nations; and offers trade promotion services through trade missions, conferences, and trade shows.

Recent Events

Seminars hosted by the ITA Office of Energy at the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, May 2004

  • Examining Angola's Offshore Opportunities
    This event featured senior representatives from Angola's Ministry of Petroleum and Sonangol, Angola's energy parastatal. The event highlighted commercial opportunities and Angola's desire to attract new investment in its energy sector. It included a presentation from a senior industry analyst and a representative from a successful U.S. energy services company operating in Angola. For more information, contact Aaron Brickman.
  • Commercial Opportunities in Qatar’s Offshore Oil and Gas Sectors
    This event highlighted future projects and commercial opportunities in Qatar ‘s offshore oil and gas sectors and the Qatari Government’s role in stimulating investment in its offshore energy sector. In addition to the Qatari Officials’ presentations, the panel included presentation from senior representatives from two successful U.S. energy company operating in Qatar. For more information, contact Sarah Borwick.


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