Export Trading Company Affairs
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In need of Export Assistance or Export Help in forming an Export Joint Venture?  Looking for Government Assistance to form a legally protected Export Joint Venture or an important Government Export Program that promotes the formation of Export Joint Ventures?  Are you worried about Antitrust implications when forming an Export Joint Venture?  Look no further than Export Trading Company Affairs.

Are you looking for potential Export Partners or Trading Partners?  Are you in need of an Export Trading Company, an Export Management Company, or an Export Intermediary?  If so, the MyExports on-line or print directory is for you.

Through the Export Trade Certificate of Review Program, Export Trading Company Affairs helps promote the development of Joint Ventures and the use of Export Trade Intermediaries.  With this Certificate, you limit your domestic legal liability when Joint Exporting or when you have Joint Sales with a Trading Partner in foreign markets.

Export Trading Company Affairs
Room 1104
U.S. Department of Commerce
International Trade Administration
Washington, DC 20230

(202) 482-5131

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