What's New with LISTSERV

The Latest Changes...

You may be aware that LISTSERV allows a user to save his/her LISTSERV login in a browser cookie. This is a convenient feature that eliminates the need to log in in order to access restricted sites such as the list management page.

However, sometimes it becomes desirable to be able to access the login screen, for example, to log into LISTSERV using an alternate address, or to change a password. For this reason, we have added a link that allows you to easily remove the browser cookie. To access this link, go to the LISTSERV Home Page and click "For List Owners," then click "Reset Browser Login Cookie."

Website Accessibility

We have worked hard to make these pages fully accessible to persons with disabilities. However, we may have missed something. For convenience in reporting problems, we have added an "Accessibility" link (with wheelchair icon) to the bottom of each page. Click on the link and email us if you have any problems accessing our pages.

Let Us Know What You Think...

To send us feedback on the website changes, write to us at

Center for Information Technology
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland 20892
301 594 6248 (v) 301 496 8294 (TDD)
Comments and Assistance
Privacy Notice
Accessibility wheelchair icon