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CrossTalk Edition 108
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Fact Sheets
 • VEMSO: The Air Force Vehicle and Equipment Management Support Office

 It is PROACT's purpose to:
 • Successfully address environmental concerns
 • Provide solutions to environmental needs
 • Improve environmental compliance
 • Conduct technical environmental research
 • Disseminate environmental information
 • Identify pollution prevention opportunities
 • Ascertain resource conservation measures
afcee PROACT provides environmental research and information services to the U.S. Air Force. Since the Air force funds the PROACT program, our services are free-of-charge to all Air Force personnel, including Air National Guard, Air Reserves, Air Force civilian employees and contractors who hold active contracts with the Air Force. .

bullet Research Services
The PROACT staff of environmental professionals not only provides environmental research support to all Air Force personnel, but also supports other military branches that request crossfeed information. Contact PROACT between 0700 and 1800 Central Time or you may submit a request for support via this website at any time by using our Research Services page.

bullet CrossTalk
PROACT's bimonthly publication provides updates on current trends in pollution prevention and environmental compliance topics affecting the Air Force. Regular features of the publication include pollution prevention initiatives, success stories, regulatory policy and guidance updates, upcoming conferences and meetings, useful Internet resources and newly available products.

bullet Fact Sheets
Several Air Force organizations team with PROACT in the production of environmental Fact Sheets that are invaluable to the Air Force. Environmental and legal professionals within the Air Force review our Fact Sheets prior to publication to assure the information presented is compliant with Federal, DoD, and Air Force environmental regulations. Topics range from Affirmative Procurement to Water Conservation.

bullet Compliance and Pollution Prevention Success Stories
Our Success Stories feature Air Force bases on the cutting edge of development of new and innovative solutions to environmental concerns. PROACT staff interview base personnel regarding environmental program innovations and successes, which are compiled into success stories.

bullet Technical Inquiries
Inquiries, submitted from all levels of the Air Force, are provided online with their respective responses for the benefit of other installations and military branches. Each inquiry undergoes an extensive quality control procedure, which includes approval from the Air Force PROACT Program Manager. Inquiries are arranged by subject category.

Crossfeed information is previously researched information that is made available to other military branches, state and local agencies and other Federal agencies. These other agencies are authorized to contact PROACT to request this information. To request crossfeed information or submit a technical inquiry use our Research Services page.

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