Due to a recent possible security breach caused by a virus, NIPRNET Outlook Web Access (OWA) features at Marine Forces Europe have been restricted only to certified home PC users.  For infomation on acquiring Symantec Antivirus software and validating your OWA account click here or contact the G6 NOC at DSN (314) 431-2397/330, COMM (0049) 07031-15397/330, or via email: MFE G6 Helpdesk

To obtain an account at Marine Forces Europe for Outlook Web Access you must fill out a User Agreement form and complete an Information Assurance course.  Once you have completed both requirements please fax a copy of the User Agreement form to DSN (314) 431-2596 or COMM (0049) 07031-15596.

To access Marine Forces Europe's Outlook Web Access you must have a DoD PKI certificate registered with Marine Forces Europe G6.  To test you DoD PKI client certificate click here.

If you are already in compliance click here to continue to Marine Forces Europe Outlook Web Access.


Due to the recent migration, you will no longer be able to type only your user name when prompted for user name and password. Instead, you should preface your username with the following: 'GEB\'

For example, a Marine with the user name MarineIM would need to type GEB\MarineIM when prompted for his username. No modifications are necessary when entering the password.

Thank you,
G-6 Webmasters