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The NRC Investigations Program supports the NRC’s overall safety mission in protecting the public health and the environment by ensuring that allegations or NRC findings that involve potential wrongdoing by licensees or applicants for licenses, or their contractors or vendors, are thoroughly, objectively and independently investigated. The results of these investigations are provided to the NRC technical, legal, and enforcement staffs for appropriate regulatory action. In addition, NRC refers investigations that find substantiated wrongdoing to the Department of Justice (DOJ) exit icon for prosecutorial review, and assists DOJ in prosecuting wrongdoing violations.

The Office of Investigations (OI) is responsible for the NRC Investigations Program. OI is composed of four regionally based field offices, each with a Field Office Director, reporting to OI headquarters, which, in turn, reports to the Deputy Executive Director for Reactor Programs. OI Special Agents are criminal investigators with a wide range of experience within the Federal law enforcement community.


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Last revised Monday, June 23, 2003