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involving a nuclear facility or radioactive materials.

Emergency Preparedness in Response to Terrorism

8/4 Public Mtg on Security

Nuclear Security and Safeguards

The Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as revised [e.g., Sections 3(c) and (e)], and the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 [Section 204(b)(1)], give NRC the responsibility for ensuring that the peaceful uses of nuclear energy "make the maximum contribution to the common defense and security and the national welfare, and... provide continued assurance of the Government's ability to enter into and enforce agreements with nations or groups of nations for the control of special nuclear material."

NRC responsibilities under these acts include regulating licensees' (A) accounting systems for special nuclear and source materials, and (B) security programs and contingency plans for dealing with threats, thefts, and sabotage relating to special nuclear material, high-level radioactive wastes, nuclear facilities, and other radioactive materials and activities that the NRC regulates. Programs that promote the common defense and security and protect public health and safety by guarding against theft and sabotage are generally referred to as safeguards and security. These activities include--

See the following for more information on Nuclear Security and Safeguards.

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Last revised Monday, October 04, 2004