Defense Information System Agency COE Production Engineering

COE Release Information
  • The COE Release Information provides a snapshot of all approved segments that are available by request for selected COE releases. Segments are displayed by operating system. For release information on 3.x and 4.x baselines not listed use the COE Build List Worksheet.
Reference Material
  • The COE Reference Page provides a list of articles and references such as the Critical Design Review (CDR) requirements and the COE Standard Segment Compliance Checklist. (COE Compliance Test Tools and Analytics for 4.3 I&RTS; updated 18 June 2004)
COE Build List Worksheet
  • The COE Build List Worksheet provides dynamically generated data by release for all segments currently being tracked by the official COE Configuration Management Information System. The Status columns provide current Testing and COE Engineering status information for each item. A COE release consists of a kernel and the segments that have been tested with that kernel. The system tracks segments that have been released, segments that are being tested by DISA's Center for Integration (CFI), and segments that are anticipated but have not yet been delivered by the developer to CM.
COE Proposed Segment Lists
  • The COE Proposed Segment Lists (Excel spreadsheets) provide a list of segments planned for both the current and the next COE releases. The Proposed Segment List generally matches the contents of the COE Build List, but makes it easier to see the operating systems for which segments exist. Also newly anticipated products will appear in this spreadsheet before they are tracked by the COE Build List. This information may be helpful to Services/Agencies in planning their requirements for the next release.

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Last Revised
18 June 2004