Image of a soldier and a combat aircraft with the word MILITARY PERSONNEL in the lower right hand corner.  The DLA Logo is in the left side of the bar

The logo for the DLA Human Resources Dept.

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red stone border Military Personnel
Commercial 703.767.XXXX   DSN 427.XXXX
FAX 703.767.5456 DSN 427.5456

Individuals interested in an assignment to or seeking more information about the military within DLA should contact the appropriate office listed below

Staff Director     5353
Chief, Military Personnel     5041
Administrative Assistant 5353
Manpower & Assignments
Team Leader, Manpower & Assignments     5399
Manpower     5365
Navy/Marine Corps Assignments     6035
Army Assignments     5355
Air Force Assignments     5357
Personnel Programs
Team Leader, Personnel Programs     5381
Officer & Enlisted Promotions     5378
Evaluations     5359
Awards & Decorations     5386
Training     5481