JITC's System Tracking Program (STP)
The System Tracking Program (STP) is an on-line database that tracks a system’s progress toward joint interoperability certification. The STP monitors the complete life-cycle of Information Technology (IT) and National Security Systems (NSS) from requirements/capabilities document status, to Interim Certificate to Operate (ICTO), through test and evaluation, and culminating with joint interoperability certification status. STP is available to .mil and .gov domains only. Registration for username and password is required on the NIPRNET.
Please visit this URL for NIPRNET access: https://stp.fhu.disa.mil
Please visit this URL for SIPRNET access: http://stp.fhu.disa.smil.mil
STP Access Problems: jitcstp@fhu.disa.mil (520) 538-5282, DSN 879-5282
General STP Questions: jitcstp@fhu.disa.mil (520) 538-0488, DSN 879-0488
JITC's Joint Interoperability Tool (JIT)
The JITC Joint Interoperability Tool (JIT) provides
high speed access to key interoperability information.
The heart of the system is an extensive data repository
featuring the JITC Lessons Learned reports, JITC
Test Reports, the NATO Interface Guide, Joint
Interoperability Certification letters, and other
interoperability documents and references; as well as
a high speed search engine to quickly access data.
This tool gives a quick and easy on-line capability
which identifies system/equipment characteristics,
tested configurations and practical "how-to"
information to facilitate interoperability.
Please visit this URL for NIPRNET access: http://jit.fhu.disa.mil
Please visit this URL for SIPRNET access: http://jit.jitc.disa.smil.mil
Access Problems and General JIT Questions: webmstr@fhu.disa.mil (520) 538-5042, DSN 879-5042