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 About the Director
[Photo of A. E. MacDonald]

Dr. Alexander E. (Sandy) MacDonald is the Director of the Forecast Systems Laboratory, Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, NOAA, Boulder, Colorado. He was detailed to this position on February 1, 1988 and selected permanent director in February, 1990.

Dr. MacDonald was the Director of the Program for Regional Observing and Forecasting Services (PROFS) from 1983 to 1988. From 1980 - 1982, he was Chief of PROFS' Exploratory Development Group and from 1975 - 1980 he was a Techniques Improvement Meteorologist in the Scientific Services Division, Western Region, National Weather Service in Salt Lake City, UT. He was an Air Force Officer while a member of the U.S. Air Force from 1967 - 1971.

NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305
email: Alexander.E.MacDonald@noaa.gov
phone: 303-497-6378
fax: 303-497-6821

B.S. 1967 Montana State University - Mathematics/Physics
    1968 St. Louis University - Meteorology (Air Force)
M.S. 1973 University of Utah - Meteorology
Ph.D. 1975 University of Utah - Meteorology (Minor in Computer Science)

1971 - 1973 University of Utah - Instructor, Synoptic Meteorology Laboratory
1973 - 1975 University of Utah - Research Fellowship

American Meteorological Society
National Weather Association

Dr. MacDonald has published in atmospheric modeling, statistics, dynamics, and meteorological systems. His interests are applications of science and technology to improve operational forecasting.

1983 - Present Lecturer at numerous AMS chapters throughout the United States.
1983 - 1988 Set up workstations to allow demonstrations of PROFS' unique capabilities to a large number of federal agencies, e.g., FAA, NWS, NESS, NESDIS, AF, AWS, DOD, and numerous universities.
1984 - Present Member, Panel on Mesoscale Research, NRC
1987 - Present Member, AMS Committee on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology
1988 - Present Fellow with the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere - Colorado State University
1992 Councilor, AMS three-year appointment
1993 Developed GLOBE Program (a Vice-Presidential Initiative)
1994 Executive Committee Member, AMS; AMS Fellow

1980 Bronze Medal - Accomplishments in NWS AFOS Program
1993 Gold Medal - Leadership in Technology Transfer
1997 Presidential Rank Award - Distinguished
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