National Data Buoy Center title
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Important NDBC Web Site Changes

Dial-A-Buoy is working, but occasionally requires the phone to ring six or seven rings before answering. We're working on the solution to this technical difficulty. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Frequently Asked Questions

NDBC has compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) posed to NDBC personnel
by the many users of NDBC data. If the answer provided does not completely answer your question,
or if your question is not listed, please contact the Webmaster.

Station Locations

Sensors and Measurements

Wind Measurements

Wave Measurements

Observation Data from Other Providers

Data Transmission and Quality Control

Accessing NDBC Data

NDBC Programs and Information

U.S. Dept. of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
National Data Buoy Center
Page last modified: July 28, 2004
Privacy Policy