Debt Check Logo Privacy Act Restrictions on Use of Debt Check Information
Information contained in Debt Check is provided to authorized Federal agencies and their designated lenders solely for the purpose of determining whether a loan applicant must resolve a delinquent debt owed to the United States or to a state agency collecting delinquent child support in order to be eligible for Federal financial assistance. Federal financial assistance means any Federal loan (other than a disaster loan), loan insurance, or loan guarantee.

Debt Check information is provided to authorized Federal agencies and their designated lenders for the purpose of collecting delinquent debt in accordance with the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 (as codified at 31 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.), Executive Order 13019, and other Federal laws that require the U.S. Department of the Treasury and other Federal agencies to collect delinquent debt owed to Federal and state agencies. Denial of Federal financial assistance to persons who fail to resolve delinquent debt owed to Federal and state agencies facilitates the collection of delinquent debt. The disclosure of Debt Check information to authorized Federal agencies and their designated lenders is in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 and the Privacy Act notice published by Treasury's Financial Management Service (see 65 Fed. Reg. 56612-01, Sept. 19, 2000). The use and re-disclosure of any information obtained from Debt Check is limited to the purpose for which it was obtained as set forth in agreements executed by Debt Check users. Use of Debt Check information for any other purpose is unauthorized and may subject you to civil and criminal penalties.
  Notice of Monitoring
  You have accessed a United States Government computer. Unauthorized use of this computer is a violation of Federal law and may subject you to civil and criminal penalties. This computer and the automated systems which run on it are monitored. Individuals are not guaranteed privacy while using government computers and should, therefore, not expect it. Communications made using this system may be disclosed as allowed by Federal law.
I have read the agreement