Integrated Acquisition Environment


Simplified.  Secure.  Seamless e-Acquisition


About this Site

This site provides information on the Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE) e-Government Initiative.  The links on the left provide details on the calendar, meetings, individual modules, news bulletins, articles, policy memos, status and milestones.  Additionally, click on these document names to access the IAE PROJECT CHARTER, COMMUNICATIONS PLAN, Shared Systems Inventory, and Overview PowerPoint presentation (If you have a problem downloading this PowerPoint file, click here.)


To read articles published on IAE, please click on IAE Articles.


Business Areas

At this time, there are five business areas that form the basic framework or foundation that will allow migration to the vision of a simpler and more efficient acquisition environment.


 BPN (Business Partner Network)


Business Partner Network (BPN) provides a single point of registration and validation of supplier data accessed by all agencies using the current Central Contractor Registration (CCR) as the foundation.


IGT (Intragovernmental Transactions)


Intra-Governmental Transactions (IGT)

Transformed intra-governmental ordering and

billing, reduced payment and collection problems,

and improved revenue and expense elimination

processes for preparing consolidated financial



 AIR (Acquisition Information Reporting)







Acquisition Information Reporting is a central

point for consolidated collection and access of statistical and management information related to Government





eMarketplace Phase 1:  Provided a common

online directory to GWAC and other multi-agency contracts to

simplify selection and facilitate leverage of

Government buying.

Phase 2:  Centralize and integrate market

research and acquisition tools by providing

access to federal and open market eCatalogs, solicitations/responses,and small business

opportunities, to facilitate buying across the

federal government.


 Standard Transactions


Standard Transactions has developed a standard glossary and vocabulary to facilitate exchange of data between and within agencies.


If you are an IAE Team member or observer, please sign in to give you access to the IAE team collaboration workspace. If you are interested in participating on the IAE team, please contact Teresa Sorrenti at


Value Proposition

IAE is one of 24 e-government initiatives in The President's Management Agenda. To find out what the media is saying about eGov, click here.



A secure business environment that facilitates and supports cost-effective acquisition of goods and services in support of mission performance.



  • Create a simpler, common, integrated business process for buyers and sellers that promotes competition, transparency and integrity.
  • Increase data sharing to enable better business decisions in procurement, logistics, payment and performance assessment.
  • Take a unified approach to obtaining modern tools to leverage investment costs for business related processes.


  • Deploy a single point of registration and validation of supplier data accessed by all agencies.
  • Implement a central point for consolidated collection and access of statistical and management information related to government acquisitions.
  • Implement a directory of GWAC and MAC contracts to simplify selection and facilitate leverage of Government buying.
  • Develop a standard glossary and vocabulary to facilitate exchange of data between and within agencies.
  • Transform intra-governmental ordering and billing to enable universal electronic processes, reduce payment and collection problems, and enable swift and accurate revenue and expense elimination processes for preparing consolidated financial statements.


For a list of relevant links and web sites, click here.

For additional information contact Teresa Sorrenti at


IAE in Government Computer News


Government Computer News  7/21/03

Quicksilver team puts pieces together By Jason Miller  


In some ways, the job facing Teresa Sorrenti and Earl Warrington is like putting together a vast puzzle. The brain-teaser they are working on is the federal government's new procurement system.

     As project managers for the General Services Administration's Integrated Acquisition Environment Quicksilver project, Sorrenti and Warrington have spent the last 15 months analyzing governmentwide needs and searching for systems that agencies use that could be expanded across government.

     Click here for the rest of the article